The Point of sale screen in IBIS can be heavily customised to suit your business requirements including optimising for touchscreens or keyboards. IBIS POS gives you the flexibility to create whichever buttons will help you perform more efficiently. It makes sense to create buttons for the things you use frequently such as commonly sold retail items and everyday Point of sale functions. 


Point of sale layout

You can manage your Point of sale screen layout under the System settings menu. You can adjust the number of button rows and columns as desired and save your changes. After saving, you will need to close/reopen the Point of sale screen to see your changes.

Point of sale layout


Adjust POS grid height

You can configure the sales grid height - this is useful if you do not sell retail or do not require any Point of Sale buttons - or if you frequently sell many retail items in one sale.

Grid Height


Working in design mode

Adding and editing buttons in the POS menu can only be done when you are in design mode. When you are in design mode, you cannot perform any other standard Point of Sale functions until you exit design mode. Follow these steps to enter and exit design mode:

  1. Right-click on a button and select Enter design mode.
  2. When prompted, enter the POS screen layout password. The 'Edit POS layout password can be located in System settings under Point of Sale Layout.
  3. When you are finished editing, right-click any button and select Exit design mode.



Create buttons

You have the flexibility to create whichever buttons will help you perform more efficiently when using Point of sale. It makes sense to create buttons for the things you use frequently such as commonly sold retail items and everyday functions. There are 5 types of buttons you can create:

  • Items - used to add a specific retail item to the POS grid. 
  • Discounts - allows you to select from a list of discounts you have set up in the Discount screen. 
  • Payments - allows you to select from a list of payment types set up in the Payment types screen.
  • Submenus - opens a new button menu underneath when clicked, useful for grouping buttons.
  • System functions - perform specific functions as described in the next section.

To create a new POS button, follow these steps:

  1. In design mode, right-click an empty button and select Edit button.
  2. Choose your button type by ticking the box to enable the selection field. 
  3. Select the item, discount, payment, or system function from the droplist (note items, discounts and payment types must be set up first).
  4. Once selected, the button caption will fill out automatically. Adjust the caption if required, avoiding control characters such as &, or % if possible.
  5. Select any other properties as required then press OK.

    Add retail item buttons

POS system function buttons

The following functions can be added to your Point of sale menu (many already are shown by default).

Account creditApplies a credit to an account. Used for paying an invoice by credit card.
Apply promotionPrompts users to enter a promo code or promo voucher code at POS.
Clear discountsRemoves discounts applied to items.
Complete saleCompletes a $0 value settlement transaction. E.g. when a gift voucher is redeemed.
Customer fileLaunches the Customer screen.
Customer lookupLaunches the Customer screen.
CustomersLaunches the Customer screen.
Decrease unitsReduces the units in the sale. Can be added for touchscreen use.
Delete lineRemoves the highlighted line from the POS screen. For touchscreen use.
Eftpos cutoverRuns the EFTPOS cutover report for integrated EFTPOS users.
Eftpos debugTroubleshooting mode for some EFTPOS integrations.
Eftpos enquiryRuns an EFTPOS enquiry function
Eftpos logonLogs in to the EFTPOS system
Eftpos reprintReprints the EFTPOS receipt
Eftpos acquirer selectIntegrated EFTPOS function
Eftpos terminal selectIntegrated EFTPOS function
Eftpos upload offline TxnsTries to update the last EFTPOS transaction 
Email/print receiptLaunches the receipt emailer screen. You can print to an A4 printer if needed.
Find held saleOpens the Find sale screen and defaults to the held sale tab.
Find transactionOpens the Find sale screen.
Foreign cashCalculates foreign exchange rates on cash (must have payment types set up)
Hold salePrompts users to hold a sale.  
Increase unitsIncreases the units in the sale. Used on touchscreens.
Item lookupFind items to sell through POS.
Line discountApplies a discount to the selected item.
Load transactionOpens a specific transaction
No saleOpens the cash drawer and prompts for a reason.  
NoteAdds a POS note to transaction.
Open gateIf you have an integrated gate, you can send an open command from POS.
Pair eftpos terminalEftpos set up function for Smartpay.  
Payment exchange modeRebalance payment types used at POS.
Person creditUsed to top up or settle the balance of a customer account.
Person identifierSpecify a unique RFID identity for a customer.
Print kitchen docketsReprints an order docket for menu/cafe items
Print sale summaryPrints a thermal report summarising daily sales
Redeem admission ticketsValidates admission tickets when scanned at POS
Redeem gift voucherPrompts for a gift voucher id to redeem against a transaction.
Reprint receiptReprint a POS receipt
Return modePrompts the user to refund items at POS  
Revenue by till reportPrints a thermal paper report showing sales by till.
Revenue by user reportBrings a thermal paper report showing sales by user.
Reverse salePrompts user to return all the items in a sale. Must enter the sale id.  
Sale discountApplies a discount to all eligible items in the sale. 
Set unitsSets the quantity of items to sell. Designed for touchscreen usage.
Set userPrompts the user to enter their PIN code to record the sale against.    
Store credit cardPrompts user to store  the credit card using Windcave online.
To start menuReturns the user back to the start menu. Used by retail/cafe users.
Tour salesPrints a thermal report showing sales by tour code.
Void Voids an inprogress sale.  
Voucher lookup Look up an admission or membership to see whether it's valid.  
Voucher scanScan the admission or membership card voucher to check validity. 
X-offThe subtotal of all transactions processed through the till.
Z-offThe final total of all transactions processed through the till. Run at end of day.


Change the button sizes & colours

You can adjust the size of your buttons so they are double-wide, double-high, or both so they stand out on the POS screen. You can also add colours or icons to the buttons for easier visual recognition from your team. Follow these steps to set up button properties:

  1. In design mode, right-click the button you want to make larger and select Edit button.
  2. Select an option from the Size drop-down (make sure you have a free button space available to the right and/or beneath the button you are re-sizing):
    1. Extra Wide will cover the next button across on the right-hand side.
    2. Extra-High will cover the next button down in the column.
    3. Extra-wide and high covers the next button down and across.
  3. Select a button type from the list on the right and set the caption.
  4. Choose a colour or select an icon if required from the droplist.
  5. Press Ok to save your changes.


Button caption-text formatting

IBIS POS allows you to format display text using HyperText Markup Language (HTML). HTML formatted text contains markup tags, which define text appearance. Tags are enclosed with the '<' and '>' symbols, and typically have a corresponding end tag. If a tag is not matched by its ending counterpart, all text that follows the tag will be formatted accordingly. 

The following tags are supported in the Button Properties > Caption field:

Button caption html



End tag


Insert a line break



 Add a line break to a button caption

Change font size

<size=value> Examples:



 Change font size on button caption

Bold font



 Bold font on button caption

Italic font



 Italics on Button Caption

Underline font



 Underline text on button caption


Restrict buttons and functions with a password

If you have functions that require the authorisation of a supervisor, such as the No Sale function to open the till drawer, or item/sale returns, you can add a password to these buttons

  1. Enter design mode as detailed above (note that if you are password protecting buttons you should ensure that only supervisors have access to the design mode password)
  2. Right mouse click on the button or function you wish to password protect
  3. Enter any password you wish in the Password box at the bottom right of the screen

  4. Click OK
  5. Repeat with any further buttons - passwords can be different for each button if necessary
  6. Once done, exit design mode

You will now find the user is prompted for the password when attempting to access this function. If the password is incorrect, or not entered, the button or function will not work.


Button properties - using modifiers to save time

A modifier added to a button changes the behaviour in the Point of sale screen. Modifiers are useful when you want to make selling an item more efficient (e.g. selling postcards in multiples of 10, you can set up a button modifier of *10, so every time you sell the item it automatically multiplies the item by 10).


Add submenus to group your items

A submenu is indicated by 3 dots after the caption on the button name. When clicked, a submenu displays another button panel underneath. This is useful for grouping items together in your POS screen. To configure a submenu:

  1. In design mode, right-click the button you wish to make a submenu and select  Edit button.
  2. Tick the submenu box and enter a caption. Avoid any control characters such as &, or % if possible.
  3. Set any other properties as desired such as a colour or icon - note passwords do not work for submenus.
  4. Press OK to save your changes.
  5. You can now open your submenu and start adding new buttons underneath.


Edit POS buttons

You can change any details about a button you have created easily.

  1. In design mode, right-click the button you want to make changes on and select Edit button.
  2. Make the changes required and press Ok to save.


Move buttons around

You can move buttons around the Point of sale screen by holding the CTRL key, then clicking and dragging the button with your mouse when you are in design mode.


Remove buttons

You can remove a button from the POS screen by right-clicking the button and selecting Clear when you are in design mode.

Note: when clearing a submenu, the button panel underneath stays intact. If you create another submenu with the same name in future, the buttons underneath will still show unless you remove them individually. 


Setup keyboard shortcuts

You can easily optimise your POS screen for use with a keyboard and mouse. Allocating a key code to any system function (i.e. a unique letter which behaves the same way as clicking the button with your mouse) will make using POS very efficient on a keyboard.

  1. In design mode, right-click the button you want to key code and select Edit button.
  2. In the Properties menu, enter a unique letter in the Keycode field. (The letter must only be unique on the menu the button appears. The same key code could be used on another button under the submenu for example).
  3. Press Ok to save your changes.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Configure unique POS menus per location

You can customise the buttons that display on the bottom POS menu per location. Please note that the number of button rows/columns must be consistent but the display of the items can be unique. To create a unique button panel on the bottom for a location follow these steps:

  1. Open the Locations screen under the System menu.
  2. Select the location you require a unique button panel for and enter a number (2 or higher) in the POS menu column. 
  3. Open the POS screen and configure the blank bottom button menu as required. Ensure your till name (i.e. device) is set up in the Machine settings screen for your new location before opening the Point of sale screen.
  4. If you want to set up another unique menu, repeated the steps above and enter a unique number (e.g. 3) into the POS menu field.
  5. If you need to revert back to the default menu, change the POS menu number back to 1.
  6. If you want to set up 2 locations with the same menu, just ensure the same POS menu number is assigned to both.
 Custom Button Per Location

If the bottom area of the POS screen does need any buttons to display:

  1. Open the System settings screen under the System menu.
  2. Set the Rows on the bottom panel to 0 to minimise the size of the bottom area of the screen.

NOTE: if the bottom area of the POS screen is mainly blank, e.g. there is only one row of buttons:

  1. Open the System settings screen under the System menu
  2. Set the Grid height to a value that works for the POS screen to your site to reduce the amount of blank space (maximum value is 100)

There are a number of functions that can be added to your POS menu to ensure ease of use with a touchscreen. 

FunctionDescriptionBest Placement
Set unitsUse this to specify the number of units for an item.Right-hand function menu.
Increase unitsUse this to increase the units by 1 in a saleRight-hand function menu.
Decrease unitsUse this to decrease the units in a sale by 1Right-hand function menu.
Delete lineRemoves an item line from a saleRight-hand function menu.
New saleStarts a new saleRight-hand function menu.
Set userPrompts for a user PINRight-hand function menu.
To start menuReturns to main button menu from nested submenuUnder a submenu (most useful within a cafe setting, where the default return to start setting has been disabled).