There are several ways your IBIS Check-in website can be customised to suit your needs.
- Online check-in configuration options
- Check-in settings
- Set up check-in terms & conditions
- Amend signature prompt text
- Amend the description when customers are checking in
- Customise the thank you message
- Customise your check-in URL
- Default check-in questions
- Customise your check-in questions
- Specify check-in questions per product
Online check-in configuration options
We can work with you to customise the look and feel of your IBIS Online Check-in to match your branding. Configuration fees apply. Please contact our support desk for assistance. The following customisation options are available:
- Background image
- Button colours
- Icons
- Font
Check-in settings
You can configure your check-in settings in the System setting screen in IBIS online. Some settings will require additional configuration before they may be used such as boarding passes.
App settings - Booking status change | Changing this setting determines what happens to the status of a booking after check-in, as well as when a booking is considered 'checked-in'.
App settings - Front desk completion rule | Refers to the 3rd option in the 'Booking status change' setting and determines when the front desk considers a booking checked-in.
App settings - Use booking customer | When check-in records are generated in the Check-in screen, this setting determines whether or not the primary person on the booking (i.e. the booking name & email) is used as a check-in record. E.g. This might be used for a regular/repeat sports jumper at a Skydive operation. If online check-in hasn’t been completed for the booking, it will automatically pre-fill the People tab with details of the person who made the booking if this setting is 'true'. This setting would most commonly be used for a regular/repeat sports jumper at a Skydive operation. If this setting is 'false' and no online check-in has been completed, the ‘People’ tab will not be pre-filled. |
Customer details - Age range | Used to generate a numeric drop-down list of age ranges to select in the online check-in. Format like: 10-90 |
Customer details - Gender list | Field to specify gender options in the online check-in. A vertical bar separated list eg: Male | Female | Other Note: according to NZ law you are only allowed to ask for a customer's gender if this is an operational requirement. E.g. sending them to the appropriate changing room. |
Customer details - Medical list | Field to specify which medical conditions your customer could have that you want to know about. Add a ^ symbol to trigger a free-type box to enter more information. E.g. "Other (please provide details)^" |
Customer details - Weight range | Used to generate a numeric drop-down list of weights to select in online check-in. Format like: 40-110 |
Form settings - Allow multi-page | Setting to allow multi-page check-in. If set to true, it only does multi-page if the device screen the check-in is loaded on is a tablet or phone (desktop stays single-page). |
Form settings - Caption overrides | This is where you can customise the default captions that appear on the online check-in screen by typing a new name after the = symbol. If you enter "=hidden" this will hide the field from your check-in. ![]() |
Form settings - On-site caption | Heading displayed on the on-site home page![]() |
Form settings - On-site completion link | http or html anchor link displayed on the on-site thank you page once check-in is completed. |
Form settings - Pre-arrival allow edit | Allow a customer to edit the other customers on a booking. Required if parents need to sign for kids etc. You can always edit on-site. |
Form settings - Pre-arrival caption | Heading text displayed on the pre-arrival home page.![]() |
Form settings - Start page caption | Text above the 'Booking ID or Name' field![]() |
Set up check-in terms & conditions
If you operate more than one business unit from your IBIS system, your check-in Terms & Conditions are configured in the Business unit settings screen.
- From IBIS Online select Setup | Online Sales then System settings - HTML.
- In the settings to edit droplist, select Check-in - Terms and Conditions.
- In the large text box that appears, enter your Terms & Conditions wording in the Design tab (i.e. the default tab). You can amend the text using the tools available in the editor. We do not recommend including hyperlinks in the Terms & Conditions. If you must, then ensure that you tick the box 'open in a new window' so customers do not navigate away from your check-in pages.
- If you are copying and pasting from Word, paste this content in the HTML tab so it does not bring in the formatting from Word.
- Click the Preview tab to check your changes.
- Click Save changes when you are finished.
Amend signature prompt text
You can customise the text that appears above the signature box.
- Open the Online Display Setting screen from the System menu.
- In the settings to edit droplist, select Check-in - Signature prompt.
- In the large text box that appears, enter your wording in the Design tab (i.e. the default tab). You might like to include wording stating 'By signing below you agree to our Terms & Conditions. If you require a parent or guardian to sign on behalf of a minor, this is where you should advise who needs to sign the form.
- Click the Preview tab to check your changes.
- Click Save changes when you are finished.
Amend the description when customers are checking in
There are 2 descriptions you can edit - prearrival or onsite.
This is when customers complete the check-in form before they arrive at your site after they have received an email with a link to complete their form. You can amend the caption in the System settings screen.
- Open the Online Display Setting screen from the System menu.
- In the settings to edit droplist, select Pre-Arrival text.
- In the large text box that appears, enter a description or instructions on what you want the customers to do in the Design tab (i.e. the default tab). These might contain information such as "make sure to forward the check-in link to everyone in your booking". You can amend the text using the tools available in the editor. We do not recommend including hyperlinks in the Terms & Conditions. If you must, then ensure that you tick the box 'open in a new window' so customers do not navigate away from your check-in pages.
- Click the Preview tab to check your changes.
- Click Save changes when you are finished.
This is when customers complete the check-in form on a tablet at your operation.
- Open the Online Display Setting screen from the System menu.
- In the settings to edit droplist, select On-site text.
- In the large text box that appears, enter a description or instructions on what you want the customers to do in the Design tab (i.e. the default tab). These might contain information such as "hand the iPad to everyone in your group and make sure they have all completed the form". You can amend the text using the tools available in the editor. We do not recommend including hyperlinks in the Terms & Conditions. If you must, then ensure that you tick the box 'open in a new window' so customers do not navigate away from your check-in pages.
- Click the Preview tab to check your changes.
- Click Save changes when you are finished.
Customise the thank you message
- Open the Online Display Setting screen from the System menu.
- In the settings to edit droplist, select On-site thank you message.
- In the large text box that appears, enter your message in the Design tab (i.e. the default tab). This might say something like "Thanks for completing your check-in form. Please head to our front desk with your iPad". You can amend the text using the tools available in the editor.
- If you copy and paste from Word, paste this content in the HTML tab so it does not bring in the formatting from Word.
- Click the Preview tab to check your changes.
- Click Save changes when you are finished.
Customise your check-in URL
Your default check-in website URL is Used on an iPad, the customer will not see the URL. If you are using pre-arrival links, however, the IBIS URL will be visible. We can set up a sub-domain such as You will need to purchase the subdomain and SSL certificate for the domain.
Default check-in questions
When your check-in system is initially set up, the following default questions/information will display by default. We will work through which fields you want to show/hide on the check-in. Questions marked with an * are required:
- First name
- Last name*
- Phone
- Email*
- Address (this uses an address finder to make the process simpler for customers)
- How did you hear about us? - pulls from your marketing question list
- Where are you from? - pulls from your marketing question list
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Medical conditions - configured in System settings
- Terms & conditions*
- Digital signature*
- Sign up to receive the latest product news and promotional deals
Customise your check-in questions
You can also add custom questions to your check-in. Responses to these questions will be displayed on the Check-in and Customer screen.
Open the Custom questions screen under the System menu.
- Click the Add button, then fill in the details as follows and Saveyour changes.
- Code = a shortcode used to identify the question
- Question = the question that will show on the online check-in
- Order = the list order for the questions in the online check-in
- Filter = where the question can be seen/answered. Some questions may have both enabled
- App = only visible and answerable on the Customers screen
- Checkin = visible in both online check-in and the Customers screen, only answerable in check-in
Caption = short caption to display in the Customers screen on the details tab (will be sorted alphabetically)
- Alert rule = You can create an alert rule for responses to your check-in questions. An alert rule will flag the customer on the Check-in/Flight Check-in screens - as the alert will turn red (default is green). Types of alert codes that can be configured:
- StartsWith:
- Contains:
- NotContains:
- Empty
- NotEmpty
- Yes, No
- <, >, = E.g. date<today, or <50
Grouping = to group the questions in the Customers screen on the details tab.
Hint = text that displays on the tablet check-in to further explain how to answer the question
Answers = The type of answer your question requires. The following types can be used:
Answer types
(must be entered in lowercase)Description date For a date selection text Freetype text field
list This is a drop-down list where we can insert a database list or you can create a list of options separated by a "|" symbol. E.g. "beginner|intermediate|advanced".
A database list field such as [] would show your origin list.yes-detail-no:If Yes, please give details This is a Yes or No response, where you can prompt for more information if the customer selects "yes".
The wording after the colon can be customised. E.g. yes-detail-no: Please give details of the depth and duration of your scuba dive.yes-no-confirm A yes/no response is required. If answered by "no", it will ask the customer to confirm the response.
E.g. Yes I wish to purchase Insurance|No I do not want insurance|Are you sure you do not want insurance?pick-list Shows different options with tick boxes.
E.g.pick-list: Vegetarian|Vegan|Gluten free|Dairy free|Coeliac|Nut allergy|None.
"None" at the end of the list will untick all other boxes if selected.
Must be set out with a code, then the name. E.g. BodyL:Body|HerbalT:Herbal Teas" with the first being an identifying code.
Specify check-in questions per product
If you have questions that are specific for one or more, but not all of your products, then you can specify which questions are being asked on a product level.
- Open the Operator products screen.
- Select your product and expand the Check-in section in the right-hand panel.
- Tick all question codes you DO want to ask.
- System questions are our standard questions
- Custom questions are those that you may or may not have set up as per the above screen capture.
- Click Save when you are finished.
Tick 'none' to ask no questions, or tick the specific boxes next to each relevant question for that product. If no questions are ticked, ALL check-in questions are asked by default.