Add a new operator to your ticketing screen

To make a sale and capture the commission for an operator you have never sold in IBIS, we have created the add new operator wizard. This wizard prompts for the basic information required to create a new operator and product so your staff can make a sale quickly.

Any operator added using the wizard is placed under the category New operators in the information tree. This ensures they can be easily identified if you need to add further details later. 

  1. Click the More... button at the bottom of the Ticketing screen.
  2. Select Add new operator.
  3. In the pop-up wizard, tick the box to select the operator type, then click Next.
  4. Enter all details for the operator in Step 2 then click Next.  If the Operator name already exists in your system, you will be warned before proceeding. This is to help you prevent adding a duplicate!  
  5. Enter the option names and pricing (edit any preset information if required; only those with a price will be saved) and click Finish.
  6. The new operator will now display on the Ticketing screen, ready to make the sale! 

Add new products 

  1. Open the Ticketing screen under the Reservations menu.
  2. Search for the operator in your information tree - the operator name will display a yellow folder next to it.
  3. Right-click on your chosen operator and select either Add new Activity or Add new Accommodation

    Ticketing screen add new activity

  4. Add new activity/accommodation window pops up, complete as follows then click OK
    • Add to existing company - select the correct company from the droplist
    • New company –  enter the Company name for a new Operator 
    • New product name – type the product name

      Add new activity window for existing company

  5. Your new product will be added to the Ticketing screen. Follow the additional steps to configure pricing.

Set up/edit pricing for your ticketing products

You can set up default pricing for your ticketing products.

  1. Open the Manage products screen by right-clicking the product in the Information tree, then select Edit product
  2. The pricing tab displays by default at the bottom of the screen. A blank row will appear ready for you to enter new pricing into.
  3. Enter the Option name e.g. Adult. Placing a * in the option name will default the commission to 100% when the ticket is saved - useful for setting up product-specific administration fees.
  4. The order column defines the list order the options will appear in on the Ticketing screen.
  5. Enter the places per unit (ie Adult = 1, Family = 4, Lunch = 0, etc). This is so you can report on pax numbers.
  6. If you wish to prevent users from editing prices in the ticketing screen, type "Locked' in the Code as field. 
  7. Enter the pricing in the Price column (note that this is the sale price including 15% GST - if you want to enter the sale price less GST, click on Manage pricing and select 'Edit net of tax').
  8. The commission will update automatically based on the operator's default commission rate set in the Account tab. You can override the default commission by changing the Comm % column to the correct percentage, or the Comm column to a dollar amount. Changing either line of the commission will automatically change the other for you.
  9. Repeat adding options as required, then click Save.

To delete a pricing option, highlight the Option name from within the Ticketing screen and hit delete, then click Save.


Set up seasonal pricing

Price seasons enable you to manage seasonal rates for a product. You can enter new season rates in advance and the product pricing will update for any tickets made on this date. It is important to be aware that when you create a new price season, the price season is created for ALL products for this operator. You will need to ensure pricing is set up or copied for every product supplied by the operator.

  1. Right-click on the Product in the ticketing tree and select Edit product
  2. Click the Manage pricing button, then select Add a new price season.
  3. Enter the season start date to create a new price season.
  4. To copy the options from a previous season, select Copy price season under the Manage pricing button.
  5. You can also edit the season start date or delete a season that is no longer used. 
  6. Save your changes and close. When a ticket is made for a date in the new price season, the new pricing will be used.


Add/amend product details

While in the Manage products screen, click on the Details tab to access the details for the product you currently have highlighted and update as described. If you want to edit the details of another product for that operator, simply locate it in the product grid at the top and highlight it to bring the details up.

TypeThis dictates the default ticket behaviour. There are 3 types used for ticketing: 
  • Activity: displays a product date/time and pickup field on the ticket
  • Accommodation: it will prompt you for check-in and check-out date, and then work out the number of nights for you.
  • Open dated: restricts the normal date fields, and specifies the expiry based on the value specified in the duration field.
Used to specify the category in the Ticketing tree. This is a free text field and selectable drop-down lists. This means that anything you type in there will then become selectable for future products.
Report group*
Used to specify a reporting category. This is a free text field and selectable drop-down lists. This means that anything you type in there will then become selectable for future products.
Other group*
Used to specify a reporting category. This is a free text field and selectable drop-down lists. This means that anything you type in there will then become selectable for future products.
Used to group your products by region on the Information tree.
Product times
Supports multiple time formats and you can have multiple departure times. Please be aware that if a string of text is entered such as 'Please check for departure times', this may cause any enabled Online ticketing functionality to not work correctly.
Not used.
Itinerary note
Not used in Ticketing.
Default ticket note
Set a default note to appear on vouchers for customers.

*captions for these fields can be defined in the System settings screen (Ticketing -legacy section).

Set up open-dated products

Open-dated products can be used for admission ticket sales where customers can turn up at any time up to a 'valid until' date. The open-dated product type only works with thermal, A4, or Custom user-defined vouchers. 

Follow the steps to create an open-dated product:

  1. Information Tree, right-click the product you wish to make 'open dated' and select Edit product.
  2. When the Edit product window opens, change the Product Type field to Open Dated.
  3. Enter the number of days (from sale date) the ticket is valid for in the Duration field (enter a number followed by letter d. e.g. 365d = 1 year)
  4. Click Save then Close to complete. 
  5. In the Ticketing screen, you will notice that the start and end date and pickup details are greyed out and not enabled for editing. The 'valid until' date is automatically set to the duration.

Add notes to products/operators

You can add company or product-specific notes which will appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the Ticketing screen. There are four different types of notes:

  1. Read: This note will display on the Ticketing screen in the product info box
  2. Print: This information will print when you right-click on the product in the tree and select Print product information
  3. Read/Print: These notes will display on the Ticketing screen and print.
  4. Disclaimer: This will print on the product information and on the bottom of the vouchers.

If you are using a thermal ticket style, enter as much information as you like (the ticket will just get longer). If you are using an A4 ticket style, these notes might be capped at 2 to 4 lines depending on the style used. 

To enter notes on the information tree:

  1. Right-click the operator or product in the Information tree to edit.
  2. Open the Notes tab for a product note OR the Company tab if you wish to add an operator note.
  3. Set the list Order you wish your note to appear in (1,2,3 etc). 
  4. Enter your Note type, then enter the note (notes ending in ! will appear in bold).
  5. Hit enter or tab to move onto the next line to add more notes.
  6. Repeat as required. Delete the note contents to remove any notes you no longer need.
  7. Press Save, then Refresh the information tree to see the notes.

Product notes display on the selected product only. If you wish to add a note across all products, you can add Company notes in the Company tab.

Notes Tab 

Update contact information for operators

You can add additional phone numbers, contact names, company notes, and/or a contact group. These details will appear in the notes area of the information tree and on the customer voucher.

Edit Product Details

Edit account details/commission rates

  1. Right-click the product in the Information tree to open the Manage products screen.
  2. Select the Account tab. Note you cannot change the accounts associated with a product from this screen.  
  3. If you wish to change the default commission rate for the account, update the Commission field.  Note that to change the commission percentage currently applied to all existing products, you must click the Pricing tab, select Manage pricing, then select Update commission from account with the correct price season selected.
  4. If you only wish to update the commission rates of individual price options, you can do this in the Pricing tab.

Edit Account

Change the account associated with a product

Once a product has been set up in your, you can change the Account associated with the products. Changing the account will still show the correct address details for the Operator in the information tree, but the product will be charged to a central account associated with a separate contact and account in your IBIS system. This setup is generally required when you are invoiced from a head office location such as:

  • Nationwide accommodation chain (e.g. YHA New Zealand).
  • Large activity operator with multiple locations (e.g. AJ Hackett Bungy).
  • A company providing a selection of activities or accommodation trading under different names.

To change the account associated with a product, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have set up the Contact and Account for the Head office location setup. 
  2. Open the Ticketing products screen found under Product setup in the Reservations menu.
  3. Find the product in the list, then in the Account field, select the head office account from the list.
  4. Click Save then Close.

    Changing a product to a central account

Set up pickup locations

You have the option of setting up a default list of common pickup locations for your ticketing products. 

To add a pickup location to the Ticketing screen droplist:

  1. Open the Extra Info screen under the Reservations menu.
  2. Select Pickup from the Information type droplist.
  3. Click the + button to add a new row to the grid.
  4. Enter the Pickup name (the other column fields are not relevant to Pickup so leave as is).
  5. Press Save, then Close.
  6. Once saved, the pickup is available for new tickets.

    Select Pickup in Extra info screen


Make an operator inactive 

Making operators inactive is useful when operators are no longer in business, or if a duplicate has been added to your system. If you make an Operator inactive, their products will no longer be visible on the Ticketing screen. 

The default system behaviour is to hide inactive operators and products from the search results, although you can alter this to suit your requirements by enabling the global setting 'show inactive product in tree'.

  1. Right-click the operator you wish to make inactive in the Information tree, then select Edit company
  2. In the Company tab, untick the Active tickbox. 
  3. Click Save, then close.
  4. To display inactive operators in the Information tree, type 'hidden' into the search box to show all.

Make a product inactive

A product can be made inactive so your frontline staff can no longer make bookings against it. You cannot delete a product once created.

  1. From the Ticketing screen, right-click the product you wish to make inactive.
  2. Select Make in-active product (hide) from the droplist
  3. Once selected you will be prompted to confirm you want to hide the product; click Yes and the product will be hidden
You can also use the Edit product option to open the Manage product screen and untick the active box on the product tab.

Right click product in tree and select Make inactive product


Re-activate/unhide a product

If you need to reactivate a product, you will need to search the information tree for hidden products.

  1. From the Ticketing screen, right-click anywhere in the information tree and select Show Hidden; or type hidden into the Search box
  2. You will see a list of your hidden/inactive products grouped by Operator
  3. Click the + to drill into the products, inactive products are indicated by a red cross and greyed out
  4. Right-click the desired product you wish to unhide and select Activate product (show)
  5. Back in the information tree, click Refresh to revert back to all the active products and check the product is now