This article explains the options for linking to your standalone IBIS E-commerce platform from your existing website and links for an iFrame. The URL for your ibis website would replace in the following examples. 

Set up Book now links for:

Admission items

Choose how to link to your admission items. You can find your item group codes in the Online retail group screen, and your PLU codes in the Admission items screen. 

The Book now URL "" must be replaced with your IBIS E-Commerce website URL. Fields highlighted in yellow must be replaced with relevant data.

DescriptionURL examples
Admission items (all groups)
/Ticket/Index (previous)
Specific admission group (previous)

Retail items

Choose how to link to your retail items. You can find your item group codes in the Online retail group screen, and your PLU codes in the Retail items screen. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system.

DescriptionURL examples
Retail items (all groups) (previous) 
Specific retail item group (previous) 
Specific retail item (previous)

Gift vouchers

Choose how to link to your gift vouchers. You can find your item group codes in the Online retail group screen, and your PLU codes in the Gift voucher items screen. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system.

DescriptionURL examples
Gift vouchers (all groups) (previous all items) (previous all groups)
Specific gift voucher group (previous)
Specific gift voucher item (previous)


Choose how to link to your activities. You can find your product codes in the Operator products screen, price option codes in the Price options screen, and product group codes in the Online product group screen. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system.

DescriptionURL examples
Activities (all groups) (previous)
Specific activity product group (previous)
Specific activity product (previous)
Specific activity date (previous)
Specific activity with price options & units{productcode}&priceoptioncode=units (previous)
Combined parameters
(separate each with &) (previous)

Appointment products

Choose how to link to your appointment products. You can find your product group codes on the Online product group screen. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system.

DescriptionURL examples
Appointments (all groups) (previous)
Specific appointment group (previous)

Hire products

Choose how to link to your hire products. You can find your product codes in the Operator products screen, price option codes in the Price options screen, and product group codes in the Online product group screen. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system.

DescriptionURL examples
Specific hire product (previous)
Specific hire group (previous)


Choose how to link to your events. You can find your specific event link by selecting the specific event from the main 'event' page on your website and inspecting the URL in the browser to confirm the event number. The following page's URL will be the book now link. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system.

DescriptionURL examples
Events (all)
Specific event event number


Embed a promotion into a link to apply it automatically in the cart. You can find your list of promo codes in the Promotions screen. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system. Note: This only applies to Activity products.  

DescriptionURL examples
Activity promotion (previous)


Choose how to link to your memberships. You can find your PLU codes in the Membership items screen. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system.

DescriptionURL examples
Memberships (all)
Specific Membership item
Reset Membership Password

Websites or influencers that send traffic to your online booking website can be given specific URLs to record the referring booking agent against your reservation product sales made online via your E-Commerce website. This allows you to reward the agent for their referral (also called affiliate marketing) or track your ROI for advertising on a particular website.

To configure an affiliate URL for an agent, you can either use the existing agent account or set up a new account for that agent dedicated to online referral sales (ensure you specify the account use "Bookings" and include "Online Sales" in the Account Name so it's very clear to your frontline staff). 

The online policy is not applicable for affiliate sales recognition. The online policy permissions that apply to your ordinary online sales account will apply to all affiliate agent links. 

You can configure an agent-specific affiliate URL by appending the Account Code for the specific Agent (found in the Accounts screen) to the end of your booking website URL. Areas shaded in yellow must be replaced with data from your system.

DescriptionURL examples
Affiliate link only, or
Affiliate link with promotion
Affiliate link for specified product
Affiliate Link with product date, product & promotion

You can combine the affiliate agent parameter with all of the reservation parameters for activity bookings, but it will not work using any product specific parameters for hire/appointments at this time. We also do not recommend using affiliate links if you are using an i-frame as it will not open your E-Commerce website embedded within your own pages. 

Agent Specific Book Now URL

Facebook page

You can add your IBIS E-Commerce website to your Facebook by adding a Book Now button to drive more online bookings through your site. Through Facebook, you can track page views and bookings that come through. 

  1. Log into your company's Facebook account as the admin.
  2. Go to the Business Page and click + Add a Button 

  3. Click Link to Website 

  4. Click Book with you, then Book Now, then Next

  5. Enter the URL of your IBIS booking page and then Save

  6. Review the configuration you just set up, then click Finish

Great news! You have just successfully added another resource for customers to book your products by adding a Book Now button to Facebook!