Stock reports are found in IBIS Online under the Reports section.


IBIS reports are customisable and flexible. Learn more about how to use IBIS Reports here. 

Stock value report

This report (previously called the Stock Balance report) allows you to view the current and historic value of your stock.  

  • The report will give you the stock value (exclusive of GST) at the end of the day selected.
  • All stock (active and inactive) will have a stock value displayed, including stock with a negative or zero value.
  • You can exclude inactive items by clicking on the filter icon on the Active button and selecting only Active. The best practice would be to ensure that all items are adjusted to zero value before they are made inactive.

Image 1: Stock Value report on Table view

Image 2: Stock Value report on List view

Stock on hand report

This report shows you the number of units that you currently have on hand per retail location. This report can be filtered as follows:

  1. All active items - only active stock items are displayed
  2. Active items below the set minimum, zero or negative - see setting a minimum unit for a retail item. If an item is below the minimum value or has zero or negative units in stock, it will appear in this report.
  3. Inactive items with a non-zero balance - items that are inactive but have a non-zero value, including negative  values.

Note: Supplier Type is now displayed so you can filter by Consignment or Non-Consignment Supplier.

Stock on hand filter by consignment or non-consignment suppliers

To filter for consignment or non-consignment suppliers, click the filter icon on Supplier Type, then choose your preferred option.

Purchases & credits report

This report displays all completed purchases and credits processed through your IBIS system during the date range specified.


This report will display all adjustments completed within the date range specified. You can view adjustments of any status by toggling the status field next to the date column, but the default view shows all adjustments of status posted since these are the only adjustments included in your current stock counts. Any adjustments that are still at status New will always appear on this report until they are deleted or posted in the Adjustment screen.


This report lists all transfers made between retail locations completed within the selected date range. The report totals the units and value of the stock transferred between locations.

Stock sales report

This report can be found under Reports > Sales and displays all stock items sold on the selected dates. You can use this report to show the value of stock sold, units sold, and your margin as a % or $ per unit.

Supplier stock review

IBIS does not have a dedicated Supplier stock review report but you can see how many items are sold per month to assist you with purchasing decisions based on historic sales. Use the stock sales report to view units sold over a date range by dragging the date field into the column section of the report. If you right-click on the date field, you can change the grouping values to display by Month and Year to view the data as per the following example: