The Invoicing screen is found under the Accounts & Contacts menu in IBIS. This is where you generate and send invoices and remittances from IBIS. You can also view all accounts with a pending debtor or creditor balance, print/send statements, view all current invoices and void invoices.


Invoicing screen overview

The Invoicing screen includes the following filters which allow you to adjust the search criteria for the transaction you wish to include in an invoice:

  • Invoice date - set this to check for all uninvoiced transactions up to (and including) the specified date. Setting the date will not filter invoices already created (invoices tab).

  • Date filters - filter uninvoiced transactions filtered on a date;

    • If the product date is ticked will show you bookings taking place up until the invoice date
    • If the sale date is ticked will show you bookings that were sold up until the invoice date
    • If Include forward bookings are ticked, the invoice date field is disabled as all uninvoiced transactions will show.
  • Account - you can filter for one account, by selecting it here. 

  • Selection Rule - filters for reservations based on the balance of the booking or ticket as follows:

    • Debtors, Creditors and Zero - show all accounts regardless of their balance
    • Debtors only - show only accounts with a positive balance 
    • Creditors only - show only accounts with a negative balance
    • Please note cancelled reservations do not show in the Invoicing screen as it is assumed that if a reservation is cancelled, it has already been settled financially. The No Service status is to be used for reservations that do not take up space but have a financial transaction.
  • Show - clicking on the show button brings up a list of account use types that you can select to filter your pending transactions.

    • Bookings (Tickets)-  show transactions posted to invoice (operators), or paid/confirmed from the Ticketing screen (agents).
    • Point of Sale on Account - show transactions charged to Account at Point of Sale.
    • Booking Points - show transactions from the drivers bookings points module

Invoicing Screen header

The Invoicing screen is divided into 3 tabs which perform different functions:

Invoices tab

This is the default tab that displays when the screen is opened and shows all invoices of status New or Printed after they have been created. Invoices of status Settled and Void will only show if the option Show settled and void box is ticked. Once the accounting period is rolled and the settled invoices change to status closed, they will no longer appear in the Invoices tab. From the invoices tab, you can view any invoice in further detail by clicking on the > to the left of its row, print or reprint an invoice, email an invoice or statement, void an invoice

  • Num shows a unique invoice number generated when the invoice is posted.
  • Account code shows the unique account reference of the account holder.
  • Invoiced On shows the Invoice Date selected when the invoice was created
  • Account name shows the name of the account holder.
  • Type can be Invoice, Credit Note, or Journal
  • Note is an editable field that allows you to enter a note against the invoice (will not print on the invoice).
  • Status shows the invoice status.
  • Due On displays the due date selected when the invoice was created
  • Amount displays the value of the invoice.
  • Balance displays the current outstanding balance of the invoice
  • Grouping - Invoices are grouped by Invoiced on date, with a subtotal of all invoices created on that date in the heading


Details Tab

Use the Detail tab to view transaction detail for the account (debtor or creditor) that have not yet been invoiced. You can also use this screen to select (or deselect) reservations to include on the invoice and check for errors prior to printing and sending the invoice. If you notice an error, you can not change any of the booking/ticket details from this screen, you must go back and edit the original booking/ticket.

The commission % is based on the TOTAL commission value for the ticket divided by the TOTAL ticket value. If the ticket has price options selected that have different commission rates set, then the commission percentage shown on the invoice will be different as it is calculated on the overall totals.

Invoicing Details

Debtors & Creditors Tabs

The first two tabs on the invoicing window show all accounts with pending debit and credit balances. The pending balance is displayed, and for debit accounts also the average commission (deposit sales show as 100%, referral sales show as 0%).

From these tabs, you can create and print invoices and statements for one or multiple accounts at a time. You can also print Debtor invoices to send out and expect payment for as well as Creditor invoices to eventually generate payments for, these are often referred to as remittance slips.

  • Print status shows the progress of the printing for invoices and or statements as the bar moves across.
  • Cancel printing Once you have begun printing you can cancel a print job by clicking the red x next to the print status box.
  • Due date - the date printed on the invoice and states when the invoice is payable by.

Creditors Tab

Create an invoice or remittance

You create and print invoices from the Invoicing screen in the Accounts and Contacts menu. If you are an agent, you may refer to an invoice as remittance advice. Before you begin creating an invoice, ensure you have done the following:

Follow these steps to view/check pending transactions to include on your invoice, and then generate the invoice/remittance:

Step 1: View pending invoice transactions

  1. Open the Invoicing screen under the Accounts and Contacts menu.

  2. Under the Show button, select the types of accounts you want to create invoices for (this will remember settings when closed, so double-check you are showing all that are required).

  3. Set the invoice date to display all transactions pending invoice up until the specified date (normally month end). This date will be set as the Invoice Date after the invoice/remittance is created.

  4. Select the appropriate date filters for your un-invoiced reservations based on: 

    • Sale date - the date a ticket was paid for (agents) or the date it was first booked (operators).

    • Product date - the date the activity/reservation actually occurs.

    • Include forward bookings - this will show everything and therefore disables the invoice date selection box. The invoice date will always default to the current date.

  5. Filter for a specific Account to invoice (if required). 

  6. Choose a Reservation filter if your preference is to separate debtor and creditor transactions on your invoices (i.e. if you have a mix of sale types or transactions for the same account).

  7. Click the Debtors or Creditors tab (or choose Detail if only one account is selected) to trigger the system to check for un-invoiced transactions. If you click cancel on the progress bar, it will stop and show only the un-invoiced transactions up to the point it was cancelled. 

  8. Once complete, accounts with un-invoiced transactions will show under the Creditors or Debtors tabs. Note that tickets/booking with the "Deposit" sale type will always appear under the Debtors tab with 100% commission.

Step 2: Generate the invoice/remittance

  1. There are 2 options for selecting accounts or transactions to invoice. You can either:

    • Generate an invoice for the specified accounts directly from the Creditors or Debtors tab, or

    • Check the details for the specified Account (also allows you to select specific transactions to invoice); by selecting the account from the Creditors or Debtors tab, then clicking the Detail tab. In the details tab, you can select individual transactions to invoice in the Post box. 

  2. Tick Print if you want to print the invoice at the same time you create it. 

  3. Tick Statement if you want to print an account statement with the invoice.

  4. Enter the Due date for the invoice.

  5. Click the Create Invoice button to generate. 

  6. Once complete, you will find your invoice(s) under the Invoices tab with a unique Invoice ID. The invoice will show as status New or Printed (depending on step 10). If the invoice was created for a Deposit sale type, the status will change to Settled as the balance of the invoice is $0.

  7. To add a note to your created invoice, click in the note column on the invoices tab and type (it will be saved automatically). You can view notes in the transactions tab of the Account list screen by hovering your mouse over the red flags. 

Troubleshooting and FAQs

When I create an invoice I get a warning message "Invoices were not generated for the following accounts because they contain bookings/tickets with duplicate postings".

To fix this open the ticket referenced in the warning box and re-save it. This will force IBIS to regenerate all the accounting records and remove one.
Make sure your invoicing screen is closed when you do this. Once re-saved, reopen the Invoicing screen and re-generate the invoice.

The commission rate is wrong for some/all of the bookings for a particular agent under the details tab.

Open the booking and under the Functions button, select 'Clear posting'. Then repost to invoice for the correct rate.

Email an invoice

The emailing invoice function will convert the invoice to PDF and attach it to an email. By default the PDF of the invoice will be saved in your working Ibis folder, however, if you have an Export directory set up in your Global Settings on the Company tab, the PDF will be saved in this location.

At the end of the month, before you roll the accounting period, you can email multiple invoices from the Invoicing screen. On this screen, you will only have access to New and Printed invoices from the current accounting period.

  1. Open the Invoicing screen
  2. Select the dates and filters as needed
  3. Select the Invoices tab
  4. Select the invoices that you want to email
  5. Tick the Email box, then click the Print button 
  6. The Emailer tool will open, select the email template you want to use in the top left.  
  7. Check the recipient details and email content. The invoice will be attached as a PDF document to each recipient that you have selected.
  8. Click Send

Re-email an invoice that is Settled or Closed

If you need to re-send a copy of an invoice after it has been settled, you must do it from the Account List screen.

  1. Open the Account List screen
  2. Highlight the account, then click the Transactions tab. 
  3. Highlight the invoice row you wish to email, then click the Functions button.
  4. Choose Email selected invoices
  5. The Emailer tool will open, select the email template you want to use in the top left. 
  6. Check the recipient details and email content. The invoice will be attached as a PDF document to each recipient that you have selected.
  7. Click Send 

There are 4 methods available for printing and /or reprinting invoices from IBIS:

  1. You can print an invoice immediately after creating from the Invoicing screen by ticking the print box on the left of the screen before selecting Create Invoice

  2. Once created, select the invoice(s) to print from the Invoices tab on the Invoicing screen under the Accounts & Contacts menu and click the Print button on the left of the screen

  3. From the Accounts List screen, choose the invoice under the transaction tab for the specific account, highlight the invoice, and under the functions button, select print selected invoice

  4. From the Manage Invoices screen, highlight the invoices to print and under the Tools button, select Print selected invoices. Once you have chosen your print invoice method, you will be prompted to select from the list of printers available on your computer:


A Statement is a summary of the financial transactions for an account in IBIS. There are 3 methods for printing statements within IBIS:

  1. From the Invoicing screen, tick the Statement box before clicking on Create Invoice.

  2. From the Invoicing screen > Invoices tab, highlight the invoice row, tick the Statement box then click Print. (Note, this will reprint the invoice as well).

  3. From the Accounts List screen, there is an option found under the Functions button to print statements for selected accounts or for all non-zero accounts.

You can specify whether to include settled invoices on your statements by ticking the Global setting Show settled lines on statements.

Include Statement

Void an invoice

If you have created an invoice incorrectly in IBIS and you wish to void it and redo it, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight the invoice you wish to void in the Invoicing screen. You can only void an invoice within the current period when the invoice is at status New or Printed - you cannot void a settled invoice.
  2. Click the Void button.
  3. Enter a reason for voiding the invoice, then click OK.

Find an invoice

  1. From the Invoicing screen (or the transactions tab on the Account List screen) open an Invoice by clicking the < to the left of the row.
  2. The Invoice detail screen will open.
  3. You can view any alternative invoice by typing the invoice number into the Invoice number field and pressing Enter or Refresh to view.

Find invoice

Customise your invoice

Your system can be configured with a default invoice style in the Global Settings screen. There are situations where you may require a specific invoice style for a few accounts to manage situations where more or less detail is required on an invoice, or the account is using a longer-than-normal voucher/reference number which does not fit on your default invoice style. To set up an account-specific invoice style:

  1. Open the Account List screen and select the specific account. 
  2. Click the detail tab, under the Invoice style field you can select a specific invoice style for the account. If you want to save paper for a specific account, choose a single-line option. If you require more detail or a longer reference number, select a multi-line style option.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. When you generate or re-print any new invoices for this account, IBIS will use the account-specific Invoice style.

Amend Contact Details on your invoices

You can change your contact details such as email address, postal address and phone and fax numbers on your invoices.

  1. Find out which contact is displayed on your invoices by going to the Global Settings screen and selecting the Company tab.
  2. In the Company Details section, make a note of the code in the Accounts contact field
  3. Go to the Contact List screen and find the contact with this code in the Code field
  4. Edit the contact details as required and save your changes. The contact details will be updated on any new invoices you create.

Setup your GST number to display on invoices and receipts

  1. From the Global Settings screen, select the Company tab.
  2. In the Company Details section, enter your GST number into the field.
  3. Save your changes.

Enter your Bank Account Number

  1. From the Global Settings screen, select the Company tab.
  2. Locate the Bank account number field and enter your details here. 
  3. Save your changes.

Setup a Graphic to Appear on the Invoice

An invoice graphic must be either a bitmap (*bmp) or jpeg (*.jpg) file type and saved in a place accessible to all computers (i.e. a network drive) which need to create invoices. 

  1. From the Global Settings screen, select the Company tab.
  2. Set the position of the graphic in the Invoice Header Graphic field as follows:
    • The 4 numbers are the distance (in pixels) from the left of the page to the left of the graphic, the distance from the top of the page to the top of the graphic, the width of the graphic and the height of the graphic respectively.
    • Be prepared to not get the positioning right the first time, it can take some tweaking around depending on the size and shape of your logo.
  3. Adjust the settings as required and Save.
  4. Preview the graphic using the 'View on screen' option when selecting an invoice (Invoicing screen) and clicking print.

Setup "Buyer Created Tax Invoice" Format (Agent Invoice style)

You must request approval from the IRD before generating buyer-created invoices.

  1. In the Global Settings screen, click the Customer/tour tab and enable the setting IRD approved buyer created invoices.
  2. In the same screen, under the Company tab, enable the setting invoices claim gst on commissions.
  3. The recipient's GST number must be filled out in the details tab of the Account List screen. If this is not filled out then the words "buyer created invoice" will not appear on the invoice since that wouldn't meet the IRD's requirements. 

Claim GST on Referral Commission

For operators using the Buyer Created Invoice style

  1. To account for GST on a buyer-created invoice, you must have the agent's GST number set up in the details tab of the Account List screen. If there is no GST number for the agent, the GST is not calculated. 
  2. If you prefer to use the invoice as a remittance advice (having received an invoice from the agent with their GST number on it), then you could show the GST portion on the commission by adding their GST number to the system.

Company Details

Correcting a wrong invoice 

For bookings (Activity operators)

If you need to correct an invoice for reservation bookings, you will need to follow these steps. Please note, we do not recommend correcting reservation invoices using the journal invoice function as this will not reconcile with Reservation Reports pulled from the system. Please follow the steps outlined below.

If the invoice was created in the same accounting period you are in

  1. From the Invoicing screen, select the invoice and click Void 
  2. Return to the Booking screen and click the Function button and select Clear Postings
  3. The booking balance will return and the transaction lines will clear from the Transactions tab.
  4. Edit the booking as required (e.g change the units, the value, or the agent etc) and Save your changes.
  5. From the Functions button, select Post to invoice.
  6. Create a new invoice from the pending Invoices screen.
    Note that if the booking has a cancelled status it will not show in the Invoicing screen

If the invoice was created in a previous accounting period

The invoice cannot be voided if it was created in a previous accounting period, so you must create a credit invoice to cancel off the original, and then re-create a new invoice with the changes.

  1. Open the reservation in the Booking screen.
  2. From the Functions button, select Reverse Posting. This creates a pending invoice amount of the opposite value to the original 
  3. Go to the Invoicing screen (use the Details tab if required to select only that booking to post) and create the credit invoice (or remittance advice)
  4. Return to the booking, click Edit and amend as required (e.g. change the units, the value, or the agent etc)
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. From the Functions button, select Post to invoice 
  7. Create and print the new invoice from Invoicing screen
    Note that if the booking has a cancelled status it will not show on the Invoicing screen

Then you can use the Cross Settle function from the Accounts List screen to settle the new credit invoice against the original invoice.

For ticketing products (Booking agents)

There will be times when you need to correct a mistake made on an invoice. This may be due to the wrong commission rate being set on the ticket when it was created, or if a product was cancelled after you have paid the operator. Depending on the situation you are in, you can choose the most appropriate action to take:

Create a new invoice for the difference in ticket value

If the invoice you created has already been sent to the operator and you cannot void it, you can use the edit settled ticket password to make changes to your ticket. The difference between what was originally invoiced and the edits you make will appear in the Invoicing screen so you can generate a new invoice.   

  1. Open the Global Settings screen and under the Ticketing tab, enter a password in the field Password closed or xld if one does not already exist. 
  2. Open the ticket you need to amend in the Ticketing screen.
  3. Make the changes required to the ticket and click Save. If you are cancelling a ticket - the ticket status MUST be set to 'No Service' and not 'Cancelled'. 
  4. Enter the Edit closed/xld password when prompted and click Ok.
  5. If there is money owed to the customer, take the refund to POS as normal.
  6. The changes will now appear in the Invoicing screen where you can generate a new invoice (if this is the only ticket on the operator's account, it will appear under the Debtors tab).

Correct an invoiced ticket without editing the original settled tickets

If you do not want users amending settled tickets, you can manage the correction by creating a new ticket for the opposite amount as the original as follows:

  1. In the Ticketing screen, begin a new ticket for the same product/operator you are refunding and complete as detailed below.
  2. Click on [New Option] and enter the text "Refund". Click No if prompted to "save the option "Refund" for future tickets".
  3. Enter the refund amount ($) into the Cost pu column, with a minus sign in front of it e.g. type in -10 to refund $10.00. When you move off the cell the amount is shown in brackets indicating it is a negative amount.
  4. Enter the number of Units.
  5. Ensure the detail tick (top left, above the options grid) is in place so you can see the commission columns; see your supervisor if you don't have system permission to view these columns.
  6. Enter the percentage of the refund that you as the agent will pay, in the Comm %column. For example:
    • If you (the agent) is giving the refund then set to 100% (no pending debtor invoice for the operator).
    • If the operator has agreed to pay for the full refund then set to 0% (they will be invoiced the full value of the refund).
    • If it is a partial refund, then set the percentage you (the agent) will pay e.g. if 10% commission is entered, then you as the agent will be paying for 10% of the refund amount, the operator 90%.
  7. Enter the original ticket number in the Private Note box.
  8. Complete the other ticket details as usual e.g. enter the customer's name in the Name field etc.

    Create New Ticket to refund settled ticket

  9. Click To POS button to save the ticket and process the refund payment (note the amount will be in brackets to show it is negative).
  10. Back in the Ticketing screen, it shows the refund given to the customer and the balance owing is now zero. If you tick the box in the payment details it will show the portion of the refund paid for by the agent (any amount paid for by the agent will be shown as a negative amount).
  11. You can now generate an invoice for the opposite value in the Invoicing screen under the Accounts & Contacts menu.

    Payment details after settled ticket refunded