Set up a new price season

For activity operators using the Reservation module, IBIS manages price date ranges for your products in the Seasons screen. You must have at least one season in your system before you can begin setting up pricing for your products. A season can start on any date and end when the next season is created - you cannot have overlapping seasons. 

You can add your new season prices at any time, the system will display appropriate seasonal pricing based on the date you are making a booking for. If agents are booking your products online they will also get the correct price for whichever date they select!

  1. Open the Manage seasons screen, then click Add (or the + icon in version 16)
  2. Enter a Season code, it must be alphanumeric characters only (a-z and 0-9), with no spaces or dashes and once it is set you CAN NOT change it. E.g. OCT2022
  3. Select the Season start date from the calendar.
  4. Type in a short descriptive Note for the season.
  5. Click Save and confirm your changes.

Update seasonal pricing

Once you have added a new pricing season to your system, you need to use the Seasonal pricing screen to begin updating your pricing. 

  1. From the Products and Services menu, open the Seasonal Pricing screen.
  2. Choose the Operator providing the product (if you have more than one).
  3. Select the season you wish to update from the Season starting field.
  4. In the Show field, make sure that Price Inc GST is displayed, then click Refresh.

    Season startin
    If you have lots of blank columns taking up space, use the Hide blank columns tick box. 

  5. To update an option price for a product, you must know its price code and option code.
  6. Go to the Price code on the left-hand column and go along the row until you find the cell in the option code column that you require.
  7. Type in the new price. Note that if you want the option to show in the booking as $0.00, you must enter the price as $0; if it's blank it won't show.

    update pricing season

  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Refresh. You can check your changes immediately by opening a booking from the availability screen for the date in the period that you have updated
If you are entering a whole new season, you can copy the prices across from your previous season using the Copy Season button so you only have to update the prices that are going to change.

copy pricing season

Update pricing for an existing product

Once a product is set up, you may need to change the pricing for the existing price season. You can see which price code is attached to that product from within the Booking screen to make it easier to update.

  1. From the Departure Availability screen, start a new booking for the product that you want to change your pricing for.
  2. When the Booking screen opens, right-click the Refresh button.
  3. Tick show price code with options.
  4. The price code will now appear next to the component name.
  5. Once you know which price code needs to be updated, you can then add the pricing in the Seasonal pricing screen as outlined in the section above.

    show price codes

How to find the price option code

  1. Open the Price Options screen.
  2. Find the name that you know the option by (the same as what is shown in the booking screen).
  3. The code is set in the Option code column.

How to setup pricing for different agent accounts

IBIS can manage wholesale or net pricing groups for specific accounts. For operators, this means when your front desk staff are creating a new booking, the pricing will update automatically when an agent belonging to a different pricing group is selected.

If you have negotiated the same rates for more than one agent, you can assign the same pricing group to multiple agent accounts. Each pricing group can only contain one price code per product. This means if you have more than one wholesale rate you want to be set up or have multiple products in your system, you will need to set up new price code for each product to manage it.

To set up wholesale rates, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a new price code
    1. Open the Price Code screen and click the + to add a new row to the grid
    2. Enter a price code name (no spaces) & description in the appropriate columns of the grid.

      It is easier to manage pricing for wholesale price codes when they appear underneath the default price code for the product. E.g. if your default price code is "Tour", creating a wholesale price code called "TourA" or "TourW" so it appears underneath the default on the Seasonal pricing screen will make it simple to update the correct pricing options on the product.

    3. Tick the box if you wish to also allow your new price code to be commissionable. Note: If you have negotiated a wholesale rate, these are typically NOT commissionable. You can also set the max commission to 0 or whatever the max will be for this product.
    4. Save your changes, then close the screen.

  2. Update pricing for the new price code
    1. Open the Seasonal Pricing screen, and find your new price code in the list on the left. 
    2. Enter pricing against each option appropriate for your new price code (e.g. Adult and Child), then click Save.
      If you are not going to use the same price options as the default price code AND the product is multi-component, you will need to configure a new price code for the subsequent components so the pricing will fill down correctly when this product is booked. 

  3. Create a price group for Accounts eligible for these rates
    1. Open the Accounts screen and enter a grouping name in the Price group column (e.g. Wholesale10). The group name can be whatever you want, but all accounts that you allocate to the same price group must have the same rates across all your products. 
    2. Click Save and confirm the changes.

  4. Add the new rates to your products
    1. Open the Build Products screen and select the product which is eligible for the new price code. 
    2. Highlight the product component row which has the required box ticked (if more than one), then select the Details tab.
    3. On the bottom right of the Details tab, click the + button to add a new row to the pricing group grid.
    4. Choose your pricing group and price code for the product, then add a short description if required (e.g. 10% off normal rates).
    5. If you have set up multiple price groups and codes, add more rows as required, then save your changes.

      Make sure you check you have set up your pricing correctly. Create a new booking for the product and select an agent allocated to the pricing group. The pricing should automatically change to the new rates you have set up once the agent is selected. If your product is multi-component, ensure the pricing fills down correctly across all components. 

      price groups

Add a new price option to an existing product

In order for a price option to appear against a product in the Booking screen, a value must be added to the option in the Seasonal Pricing screen. Follow these steps to add a new price option to a booking:

  1. Check if the option exists in the Price Options screen (it may already be set up for another product).
  2. Take note of the option code in the Price Options screen (you'll need this when you set the price for the option).
  3. Find the price code of the product you want to add the option to (you'll need this when you set the price for the option). Note that multi-component products have more than one price code for each component so be sure to add your pricing to all the price codes required on your product. 
  4. Finally, add your pricing for the new option against the relevant price code in the Seasonal Pricing screen.
    Note that if you want the option to show in the booking as $0.00, you must enter the price as $0; if it's blank the option doesn't show in the booking. Some multi-component products have the booking price set against the main component and the other components set as $0. Follow the logic of the existing setup for that product's price options.
  5. Check your changes by creating a new booking and checking the correct pricing appears for the dates you have just updated.

Cap commission on a product or product components

You can restrict the amount of commission you pay on a product or product component using the Max commission feature. This is configured against the price code for a product component - it will override any commission level specified against an agent account for price options within the component. 

Setting a max commission is useful for situations like food add-ons or combo partner products where you must restrict the commission you can pay on a specific product or component within the product. 

To set the max commission on a price code: 

  1. Open the Price codes screen and locate the price code you want to restrict commission on. You may need to select the appropriate operator from the drop-down list at the top of the screen.
  2. In the Max Comm column, specify the maximum commission, e.g. 20%. You can specify any percentage including 0% - which means that the account will get no commission at all on the component.
  3. Save your changes.

When you post a reservation to invoice using the new Post to Account popup in the Booking screen, where the commission rate for the agent is greater than the maximum commission specified for the price code, you'll see the appropriate commission rate listed in the commission line. If there are multiple components and only one has a maximum commission rate specified, you may see two different commission rates listed, e.g. 25% commission on $200 for Adult, 20% commission on $50 for Photos.