Reservation reports give you insights into Bookings made for your products through the Operator reservation system. You will find your Reservation reports under the Reservations tab in the IBIS Application or under Reports > Reservations in IBIS Online


Reservation summary report

The Reservation Summary is a powerful tool to gain insight into your reservation product sales. Each line of the report represents a single booking in your system. This is a great report is great to analyse product sales by agent, country, product groups, or by user.

  1. Open the Reservation summary report, then click the calendar icon to select your date range.
  2. Toggle between showing reservations by sale date (when the booking was first made) or product date (date of travel).
  3. Select whether to show financial data as tax inclusive or exclusive.
  4. Toggle between Table view (summary showing data grouped together) or List view (detailed report showing one line per reservation).
  5. Click Refresh to generate the report, then customise as required.

Report on average pax per departure

  1. Open the Reservation summary in List view.
  2. Select your date then choose to view bookings by sale or product date.
  3. Toggle the grouping filter to Collapse all.
  4. Click Refresh to generate the report.
  5. In the report, drag the product and time column headers into the grouping area.
  6. Right-click under the Pax total, then select Average.

Report on forward bookings 

It's easy to view sales for future periods by adjusting the data parameters in the Reservation summary report to include dates forward of today. If you would like to compare how your forward booking sales are tracking in the current period, compared to the same time last year, follow these steps:

  1. Edit your date period (e.g same month as above but one year earlier), then click Refresh to generate the report.
  2. Right-click on any of the field columns and choose Show field list
  3. Drag the field Sale date into the grouping area. 
  4. On the Sale date column header, click the filter icon to show dates. Untick all dates AFTER today's date (one year ago). This will remove any bookings that were made in the period after today's date and throughout the month you are reporting on, therefore only leaving the forward bookings. This way, you are comparing the same time period as last year. 

E.g. today is 5th March and you want to look at forward bookings for April. Forward bookings for April look like:

Compare to bookings for April last year and un-tick any bookings after today (5th March) including all sales in April (as we only want to see pre-bookings)

Forward bookings for April (on 5th March last year) looked like this:

This shows last year's bookings of 584 compared to this year's bookings of 390. 

Reservation option analysis

This report is recommended for analysing the options customers have selected when booking their reservations. This report includes bookings of status 'No Service' as long as a cancellation reason is selected when the booking is cancelled. 

No Service bookings are bookings in which the customer did not travel with you, however, you are still applying a charge to either the customer or the booking agent (e.g. No shows). In these circumstances, the online report will still record the revenue of the booking but will reverse the pax numbers to give you a true representation of the people that travelled.  

Units vs Places = the number of items in the reservation which may or may not take spaces off availability. E.g. 'photo and video' price options are 1 unit and 0 places, whereas an 'Adult' or 'Child' are both 1 unit and 1 place.

Reservation lead time

The Reservation lead time report tells you how many days in advance customers are booking your products. We recommend you view this report in list view as you can group the data as desired (e.g. by account or product), and then right-click on the lead time row to average the number of days.

Promotions on reservations

With IBIS Online you are able to report on how your promotions are tracked.  You can easily see which are your more popular promotions, as well as being able to keep an eye on the dollar value of your discounts over time.

To produce a promotions report you will need to log into IBIS Online with your IBIS username and password.  From the main menu select Reports, then Reservations, then Promotions on Reservations. The default report view is in table form with the values exclusive of Tax with the Promotion Name and Promo Code as the row values and Original Booking Amount, Promo Amount and Sale Amount as the data fields. Alternatively, you can open this report from the Reservations reports screen in the IBIS application.

Promotions Report

Cancellation reasons report

Reporting on cancellation reasons is a great way to analyse lost revenue and provide insight on how different factors could be impacting your bottom line. This report can only be used if you have configured cancellation reasons.

Cancellation reasons by cancel date

You can report on the date people cancelled within a particular date range. This allows you to report on cancellations as a result of a specific event, regardless of their travel date. This report will only display the cancellation reason, pax and booking value. To report on lost revenue and cancellation fees, you must use the standard Cancellation Reasons report. 

Note that this will only report on cancellations from the release date of this report in October 2021 (customers hosting their servers locally may alter this date).

The report can be run two different ways:

  • Show last cancellation per booking (default)- If the booking has been cancelled multiple times in the date range, only the last one will show. 
  • Show all cancellations per booking - If the booking has been cancelled multiple times in the date range, all cancellation reasons will show. This could mean that the total Pax or Booking Value (inc) figures may not be what you expect. The Count field is useful in this situation so you can see how many times it was cancelled.

Each time a user edits and resaves a cancelled booking, they will be prompted to select the cancellation reason again. You can see the history of this if you show all cancellations per booking.

The Cancel date/time field displays the date by default. To view a breakdown of cancellation times, right-click the column header and select Display as date and time.


Booking list

The Booking list is a handy operational and reservation list report. It will show all bookings created in the system, whether active or cancelled. This is the only reservation-style report that includes the agent's voucher id and pickup (besides the operations manifest). You can toggle the view to see reservations by date created (i.e. sale date) or product travel date.