This article will walk you through how to create a customer tour based on a template and then manage all of the reservations within that tour. It will also explain how to add new reservations to an existing tour.
Adding reservations
- From the Reservations menu, select Customer Tour
- Click on the New button
- The Template Tour screen will pop up
- Select the Date that you want the booking to start on
- Select the Template Tour that you want to book on to
- The products that make up the template will automatically appear on the Customer Tour screen, ready to be booked on
- In the Name field at the top of the screen, enter the customer's name
- Select the Tab button on your keyboard to move to the next field or mouse click on the Agent field, then select the agent from the drop-down list in the Agent field
- Select Tab or mouse click onto the Voucher field to enter in the Customer's voucher number if an agent is making the booking
- You now need to make bookings on each of the products that the customer requires. If the customer is not to be booked on a product, you can just leave it blank
- Select the Refresh button on the first product requiring a reservation
Note that if you would rather make all of the reservations active, you can simply click on the More button and select the Activate All option
- Check that the Date is the one that you selected just before selecting the tour template, however, if you need the booking to be on a different date you can change it here
- Check that the product description in the Product field is correct
- If you need to change the time of the booking, Tab to or click in the Time field to choose another departure from the drop-down list, as shown below
- Either select the customer Pickup from the list or free type for a pickup that is not there (depending on your operational protocol). Do the same for the Drop off if required.
- Add in the pricing options that you require in the right-hand pane of the booking screen by editing the units column for the ones you need.
- Add any notes that are specific to the booking in the Note field
- Repeat from step 12 to make more bookings on the tour for the customer
- You can either save the reservation now by clicking the Save button under the Options table or add all of your reservations and then click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Adding customer details
Once you have added all of the reservations, you need to capture the customer's details. You can either click on each field or Tab through in the following order:
- Enter the customer's Phone number - this is the number that an SMS confirmation will be sent to.
- Choose the country of origin of the customer from the drop-down list in the Country field
- The Secure field is intended to capture data that you do not want to save as text that is visible to everyone using IBIS. Once you enter data into this field and click the Save button to encrypt the information (i.e. translated into a code so that you can no longer read it)
To decrypt the data, click the button on the Secure field, and enter the Supervisor Password set up in your Global Settings screen
- Add in any Notes that are specific to the customer into the Note field
- Choose the type of customer from the Cust type field and other information in the Extra info field. These drop-down lists is populated from the marketing data set up in your system
- The Sale type will default to the sale type that is set up for the agent - you can override this if required
- Click Save to save the reservation details and the customer details
- For a direct or referral tour, click the POS button to take it to the Point of Sale screen
Add new reservations to a customer tour
From the Customer Tour screen
- Open the tour that you would like to add the product to
- Scroll down to the bottom of the tour
- Click the + Add button
- Select the correct date in the Date field
- Select the product name from the list in the Prod field
- If it is a sector product, you will need to select the Start Sector in the From field and the End Sector in the To field
- Now click the Refresh icon in the Reservation
- This will populate the Time field with the available times for this product departure
- Either select an existing pickup in the Pickup field or type one in
- Do the same for the Dropoff in the Drop field
- Move over to the right-hand pane where you need to select options. Type numbers into the Units field to reflect the numbers for each option