Create reservations

  1. In IBIS Online, click on Reservations, then Departures
  2. Select the date you are making the booking for
  3. Select the Product you want to book in the drop-down filter, alternatively leave at ---All Products--- to view all products
  4. Click Refresh, and you will see all available trips for that product for the day on the right.

    The availability on the right shows you how many spaces are left from the total available on that trip and are colour coded to show blue for plenty of space, amber for filling up and red for full. 

    Product groups are handy if you have a lot of products available - these are pulled from the Product group 1 field in the Operator products screen.

    IBIS Online Departure Screen
  5. Click on the availability box for the trip you require (note that if the trip time occurs in the past you will get a warning message at the top of the screen but you will still be able to book)

    New Booking

    AccountThis list will display all active accounts in your system. Defaults to your company and is a required field (note that changing the Account will not pull through any wholesale pricing associated with that account)
    VoucherNot required. Enter an agent voucher number if given one. Will appear in your IBIS system in Reservations > Booking > Voucher
    Sale TypeRequired field. If left as undefined, it will default to the Sale Type assigned to the Account you selected above
    StatusNot required, if left at the default it will automatically switch to Active when the booking is saved
    First NameNot required. If entered, it will show in Reservations > Booking > Name paired with the Last Name field below
    Last NameRequired. When entered it will show in Reservations > Booking > Name paired with the FirstName field above
    EmailNot required.  If entered, it will show in Reservations > Booking > 6. Address tab > Email
    Phone: Not required.  If entered, it will show in Reservations > Booking > 6. Address tab > Phone 1
    Pick-upThis will show from a list of pickups assigned to this service in your system under Define Locations. If no pickups are defined, this field won't show. Displays in the Reservations > Booking > Pickup field
    Drop-offThis will show from a list of dropoffs assigned to this service in your system under Define LocationsIf no dropoffs are defined, this field won't show. Displays in the Reservations > Booking > Dropoff field
    Marketing RegionThis pulls from a list of Marketing Regions set in your system under Reservations > ExtraInfo > Country, and records the data in Reservations > Booking > 2. Marketing info tab > Country
    Extra infoThis pulls from a list of Extra info set in your system under Reservations > Extra Info > Extra Info and if selected will display in Reservations > Booking > 2. Marketing info tab > Extra Info
    NoteAny note entered here will be transferred to the Reservations > Booking > Operator Note field

  6. Select the Agent and enter a voucher number if appropriate. If the Sale type is left as Undefined it will default to the sale type associated with the account in your system. You can change the sale type AFTER the booking is saved if it needs to be different.
  7. Enter the Name (at least a Last Name) for the booking and any other required information
  8. Enter the units on the right side. If you need to edit any unit costs at this point you can do so (as long as they are set to 'editable' in your system)
  9. Any items set up in your system with a display order code of 1000 + (i.e. you normally have to click the More... link when making a booking to view them) will show if you click 'Toggle more items'

    If entering an editable $ Discount, ensure you enter the units first to bring it to the top of the screen, and then amend the total discount amount.

  10. Click Save. The booking number will appear in the top banner after saving.

    Confirmation emails are NOT sent from IBIS online. All emails must be sent through the IBIS Application.

    View Booking

Cancel reservations

  1. Open the booking, then click Edit.
  2. Change the booking status to Cancelled, then click Save.

    If the cancellation results in any difference in financial details (i.e. a refund is required etc) you will need to take care of this in your IBIS system. IBIS online will only display the totals of the product options and will not reflect any outstanding amounts. Cancellation reasons cannot be captured in IBIS Online.

  3. If you need to reactivate the booking, simply click on Edit once again and change the status back to Active and the booking will reappear in the system.

    Cancel a Booking

Edit reservations

  1. Open the booking in IBIS Online Departures screen.
  2. Click Edit
  3. Make changes as required, then click Save.

    Editing a Booking

Search for reservations

  1. In IBIS Online, browse to Bookings then Search.
  2. Enter the booking ID to be taken straight to that booking in 'View Booking' mode. If you don't know the booking ID, you can search by the following parameters:

    Name/VoucherBoth of these fields will return bookings dependent on the search terms. The search accepts partial terms (searching on 'Liz' for example will return results for Liz, Lizzie, Eliza, Elizabeth etc). If searching for first name and last name the search will return results exactly matching that term (so searching 'Beth Smith' will return Beth Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Beth Smithson, but not Beth Nesmith)
    Show CancelledTick this box to return cancelled bookings as well as Active, Checked In, Transferred etc)
    BackwardsSearches prior to the current date
    TodayReturns results for the current date only
    ForwardReturns results for the current date and the future

  3. Results will be returned in alphabetical order with a link direct to the booking in both the booking number, and the client name.

    Hyperlinks on reports in IBIS online will also open bookings in the Reservation screen. You can use the Booking list report as a Search tool as well.

Reschedule reservations

  1. Locate the booking you wish to reschedule, once it's on the screen in front of you click Reschedule

    Reschedule a Booking
  2. You will be taken to the Departures screen. The banner will tell you that you are rescheduling a booking.

    Reschedule Booking - Departures screen

  3. Choose the date you wish to reschedule the trip to, then click Make Booking on your selected departure. Your pricing options will be retained provided they are valid options on the rescheduled product. If you chose the wrong date, click Back to departures to start over.
  4. Prior to saving you are also able to make further edits to the booking. If the changes you make result in a difference in the financial information of the booking (i.e. an amount owing to yourself or the customer) this will need to be dealt with in your IBIS system. IBIS Online will not identify any outstanding balances on the reservation.

    Reschedule Booking - Save
  5. Click Save and your booking will be saved to the new trip/time.

    If your original price options are not valid on the new booking, the options cannot be edited and you will need to select the new price options that are associated with the new product. Once selected, the invalid price options will automatically return to zero and not be transferred to the new booking. Ensure you confirm any outstanding balances in your IBIS application.

Save onto different product

Payments using reservations in IBIS Online

If payment is required or a voucher needs to be checked or posted to invoice, this will need to be taken care of in your IBIS application. You can record if payment was made in the voucher or note field, and process these later through the Point of sale system.

Regardless of the Sale type selected, the booking TOTAL will always display the total cost of the booking rather than the amount due.

If the selected account has wholesale pricing associated with it you will need to edit the booking in your IBIS system to pick up the wholesale price options.