Membership list report
This report allows you to track what programs your members belong to, when they joined, when they expire and how you can contact them.
You'll now be able to run reports on how many memberships are due to expire within a specified date range and export their email addresses to send out renewal reminders. You can access the report through IBIS Online under Reports > Membership > Membership List.
View the report using the following options:
- Current - started - any memberships that are marked as Current with a join date of today or before, and an expiry date after today
- Current - not started - any memberships that are marked as Current but no join date specified
- Pending - any memberships that are marked as Pending with an expiry date on or before the end date selected
- Invalid - any memberships that are marked as Cancelled, Held, Suspended or Expired with a join date after the start date selected and an expiry date on or before the end date selected
- Expired - any memberships of any status that have an expiry date before the end date selected
E.g. 1: Membership List for all current members grouped by Membership type, displaying the join date, expiry date, email and phone number
E.g. 2: Membership list showing all new members with a join date of 30th July 2018 grouped by membership type
E.g. 3: Membership list showing all expired memberships within a specified date range
Membership transaction report
This report shows purchases made by your members. You can find this report in IBIS Online under the Reports > Membership reports menu.
This report shows all Point of sale transactions between selected dates which have a member associated with the transaction.
Membership Spend report
This report shows items purchased by customer, by membership type. You can find this report in IBIS Online under the Reports > Membership reports menu.
We recommend moving the Customer name/email to the first column and then saving the report view.
Note: All amounts in a sale will show against the linked customer, even if the sale has split payments against other customer accounts.