The Items screen is found under the Point of Sale tab. This screen is used to set up and edit the products you will sell through the Point of Sale

Get ready to say goodbye to the Items screen. In version 17 or higher, this screen is getting split up into individual item screens for retail, gift vouchers, reservations, events, and membership. You'll find these new screens under their respective tabs in the IBIS menu.


Add a new item

To add items to a supplier, you must first ensure the supplier is set up in the Contact List screen, with a Retail Type set to either Consignment (meaning you will pay the supplier for these items after they have been sold) or Non-Consignment (you will purchase the items from the supplier before you sell them).

  1. Open the Items screen and filter for the Supplier from the droplist.
  2. When the screen is filtered, the bottom row of the grid view display is empty, ready for you to start adding your new item.
  3. Type the item name in the Description field (max 40 characters inc spaces).
  4. The PLU code will generate automatically (we recommend you do not edit these to prevent duplicates).
  5. If you know the Supplier code, enter it here. This is the unique reference code the supplier uses for the item and will display on purchase orders generated from IBIS.
  6. Select the item type - The item type controls the system behaviour when the item is sold via Point of Sale. You cannot change the item type after an item has been sold through POS, so it is important to set up correctly in the first instance or you will need to set up a new item.

    There are 6 unique item types you can set up in IBIS:
    • Stock - an item you purchase from a Retail Supplier which decrements the IBIS stock ledger when sold.
    • Non stock - items you do not purchase from a Supplier such as luggage storage, photocopying, admin fees
    • Build item - this is a mechanism for grouping a collection of individual items together for a specific sale price while also decreasing the stock of each individual item.
    • Reservation - Ticket or Booking sales (for customers using IBIS Ticketing & Reservations modules)
    • Retail ticket - used for selling entry to another attraction via POS. It produces a ticket that can not be scanned.
    • Retail voucher - used for selling admission entry and can be configured with usage and validity rules. Can produce a scannable (bar or QR code) ticket when sold.
    • Multi-use retail voucher - admission entry with usage and validity rules applied.
    • Gift Voucher - triggers a prompt when sold to collect purchaser and recipient details and prints a gift voucher when the sale is complete
    • Membership - used for selling date based admission entry and must be used in conjunction with a loyalty program
    • Surcharge - adds a $ or % surcharge value to a POS transaction. 

  7. Enter an item group or subgroup for the items, this will appear on sales reports. E.g. Clothing (group) & T-shirts, Hats, Hoodies (subgroups).
  8. Specify whether the item allows discounts to be applied at Point of Sale.
  9. Choose the Price type to determine the following behaviour at Point of sale:
    • Fixed - the price cannot be changed
    • Editable - the price can be amended (the retail item will display with ** in the POS grid)
    • Prompt - the user will be prompted to enter the price (useful if you are selling items by weight)
    • Restricted - the user will be prompted to enter a supervisor password when adding an item of this type (the password needs to be set in the System settings, under the Point of sale heading - then Restricted item password).
  10. Enter the Cost ex and Sell Price (ex or inc) for this item, then press Save.


Add item details

Once your new item is added you can specify any additional Details about the item in the bottom panel as described below:

  1. Set the item barcode by placing the cursor in the input box, then scanning the barcode.
  2. Prompt users to collect extra info at Point of sale by entering your text prompt into the field.
  3. If your item is type build item, then you need to specify the individual retail items that make up your package by setting the number x PLU code for each item as follows:

    2x1051, 2x1052, 1x1053 (where 1051 is the PLU code for Pencils, 1052 the PLU for Pens, 1053 is the PLU for erasers). This will result in 2 pencils, 2 pens and 1 eraser being decremented from your stock ledger when the build item is sold. The build item discount is split across the items in the sale proportionally. A Sale Discount should also be set up called "Build item discount" in the Discounts screen; with that PLU code set in your System Settings in IBIS Online under Default PLU codes.

  4. If your item is type surcharge, ensure your item description begins with a % or $ followed by a number to trigger the calculation. E.g. 5% Credit Card fee, or $10 Weekend Surcharge
  5. For stock users, enter the minimum units required for re-ordering this item from the supplier.
  6. Enter a Purchase or Sale GL code so you can easily transfer sales figures into your Accounting system.
  7. Tick the commissionable box if you will allow this item to have commission/or discounts applied when the charged to account function is used.
  8. Press Save when complete.

Item Details


Online properties

If you have an IBIS online sales website configured, you can sell items such as gift vouchers or retail vouchers online.

  1. To make the item available online, enable the sell online setting.
  2. Select a voucher template ID - this will attach a specific voucher template as a PDF to the customer confirmation email when the sale is complete.
  3. Enter an online name if different from the Item Description (e.g. the item description might be '60 Min Massage Gift Voucher' but the name you want to display on your website and print on the customers' voucher is "60 Minute Massage".
  4. Enter an online description - this must be formatted in html and describes the item the customer is purchasing online.
  5. Enter a voucher description - this must be formatted in html - this could be used to tell the customer more about the item they are purchasing (e.g. an "Ultimate Girls Weekend" gift voucher might include details about the inclusions in the package).
  6. Save any changes.