If you charge customers a service fee for amending tickets/bookings (e.g. anytime the sale value is reduced), you can setup your system to automatically prompt users to add a refund charge when the ticket is taken to Point of Sale.  This is useful if a booking/ticket has just been amended, and not necessarily cancelled.

To set it up in your system, go through the following steps:

  1. Add a new retail item that is going to be the refund charge 'item' with the following attributes:
    • Item description, such as 'Amendment Fee' or 'Refund Charge'.
    • Set the Price Type as either Fixed or Prompt. 
    • Remember that an Item group can be assigned so these charges can be easily separated on your sales reports.
  2. Make a note of the PLU code.
  3. Go to the System Settings screen under the System menu and under the Default PLU code section, enter the refund PLU code from step 2 into the Refund PLU field. 
  4. Save your changes. Now when you cancel the ticket and take the balance to POS, you will automatically be asked if you want to also deduct a refund charge:

    Popup screen Apply Refund Charge

If Yes is selected, the refund charge is deducted from the balance due to the customer:

POS screen if Yes to Apply Refund Charge