Manifest and check-in details

This report combines the Manifest with the Check-in list. You can view customer information by pickup and display up to 5 custom questions on the manifest.

Check-in by resource

This report is only for users who use the Resource Planner Module & Check-in. You can select your resource from the list, and then view each person's individual customer check-in details. This report replaces the Resource pax list in the Resource planner screen. You can display up to 5 custom questions on the manifest.

Check-in list report

This report is a simple view showing customers who have completed their online waiver, indicating they have signed the form and those who have not. You can add additional columns to the report and display up to 5 custom questions.  

Display up to 5 customer questions on check-in reports

You can add up to 5 customer questions to your check-in pickup/dropoff manifest, check-in list report or check-in by resource report.

  1. In System settings in IBIS Online, enter the custom question codes (Customer question screen) as a comma separate list into the Report settings field, then click Save
  2. Open any of the following reports:
  3. Select the custom question columns from the field list and add them to your report view. See how to use IBIS reports. The custom question 'code' will display as the Field caption on the report.
  4. Save your report views for future use.

Customer summary

This report allows you to view customer details filled in at check-in for all the default questions stored in the system (excludes custom questions).

The Customer Summary - new version replaced the original report and pulls customer data from the new Customers screen. 

Check-in custom questions and answers

This report can be used to analyse the answers given to your custom questions.

Customer check-in emails

You can export a list of email addresses and who has signed up to receive promotional emails using this report. 

Check-in lead time

This report shows you how far in advance customers are completing pre-arrival check-in.