Welcome to the IBIS Application Installation and Update Guide. Follow these steps to quickly and smoothly install or update the IBIS application.
- Step 1: Prerequisites
- Step 2: Downloading the software
- Step 3: Opening the application for the first time
- Step 4: Advanced install options
- Troubleshooting
Step 1: Prerequisites
Before proceeding, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
- Your computer must meet the minimum requirements (see recommended specifications).
- You are logged into your Windows computer as an Administrator during installation.
- Firewall is configured to allow downloads from https://setup.ibisres.com (for .ZIP files). If you prefer to have IBIS clients update from a networked file location, see the Advanced install Options for details
- Firewall is configured to allow incoming/outgoing TCP/IP requests through ports 80 and 443 for the following IP addresses:
- - NZ Customers only
- - NZ Customers only
- - NZ Customers only
- - NZ Customers only
- - Australia & NZ Customers
- - Australia & NZ Customers
- You have IBIS server connection details provided by your IBIS contact.
- You possess a login name and password (provided by IBIS for new system setup only).
Step 2: Downloading the software
Click the Download button to initiate the IBIS installation. This installation supports Windows 7 through 11.
- Choose to run or save the file. If saved, locate the file and double-click to run it.
- IBIS will copy files to your computer, and the install program window will appear.
- Accept default settings or choose a specific installation folder.
- When the installation is complete, click Close.
- After installation, update to the latest IBIS version (see hotfix release).
Step 3: Opening the application for the first time
- Double-click the ibisNx shortcut on your desktop.
- When the Login screen appears, click the Server button.
- Select Add new and enter the provided server code from IBIS, then click OK. The server code will be added to the Server Connections list and Server code field.
- The address will default automatically to our hosted server URL https://NxServer.ibisres.com. Keep this unless you host your IBIS server locally, or have been instructed to change it by an IBIS technician, then click OK.
- Enter your Logon Name and Password, then click Logon to open the application.
A successful connection will sync with the server on startup before opening the application.
Step 4: Advanced install options
Change the default installation folder
By default, ibisNx installs to C:\IBIS. You can specify a different location during installation if needed.
Turn off automatic updates from the web
IBIS maintenance fees include updates to the application. IBIS comes with an Updater tool that allows you to manage new releases (major updates and optional hotfixes) as well as roll back to previous major versions. The updater tool is configured to default to check for the latest versions from our updates website (http://setup.ibisres.com/ibisnx/nxs/). If more control over the updates process is desired, you can change your update settings to a locally hosted updates folder during the installation process as follows:
- Select a network folder as the location for the ibisNx version files to be saved into and deployed from.
- Navigate to https://setup.ibisres.com/IbisNx/nxs/ and download the latest major version (major versions are indicated by ending in .00.00, e.g. 16.00.00).
- Save this zip file into your network <sourcepath> folder.
- Download the IBIS application (as per Step 2) and choose to either run or save the file (if you choose to save, navigate to your saved location and double-click the file to run it).
- The IBIS install will launch a countdown window during the install, select Stop to suspend the countdown to enable you to edit the installer to point to your networked folder.
- Edit the installer to point to the networked <sourcepath>
- Untick Web Update
- Tick Network File Update
- Browse to your network folder <sourcepath> to find the version files you saved in step 2. If you cannot see your network drives, you may need to lower your Windows user access control settings during the installation.
- Once updated, continue with the install; click Try Again
- ibisNx will download the latest version from your network folder to complete the installation.
From time-to-time, IBIS release required updates to the software. In these situations, IBIS will communicate in advance to all customers. If you have configured your updates from a local folder, you will need to download the version update files from our website into that folder.
Proxy authentication configuration
By default, the IBIS application installed on your desktop communicates with your IBIS server on port 443 (default port for secure web traffic). Depending on your network configuration, you may have a proxy server configured - this means you need to configure IBIS to route traffic through a specific port and address which has been configured by your IT department.
To configure IBIS to connect with the server via your proxy server, you must enable the proxy configuration settings as follows:
- From the Login screen, click the Server button in the top right-hand corner.
- When the Server Connection screen opens, click the Network tab
- Under the Proxy Settings section, tick the box use proxy.
- Enter your proxy address and port number (these can be found in your web browser settings if you don't know this information.
If you have any problems installing the ibisNx application, you may be able to fix them easily by trying some of these tips.
I tried opening the IBIS application and get an error ‘Connection to the server has been lost’?
Double-check the following:
- your server connection details are spelt correctly
- the computer has access to the internet
- your firewall is configured to allow traffic
- your antivirus software and see if this is preventing the application from accessing the internet
The application just shuts down when I try and open it.
If you have just installed IBIS and you cannot launch the application, it is likely being blocked by your antivirus software. Ensure you allow the IBIS application to run in your antivirus software.
I get an unhandled exception error when I try to open ibis.
Check you have installed Microsoft .Net 4.7 or later in your Programs List (Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features). Check your firewall is configured to allow updates from http://setup.ibisres.com/ibisnx
When I open the Point of Sale screen I get a pop up ‘Please enter a unique 10 character name for the till’
Check the till name has been entered into the Machine settings screen. If not, enter the correct till name directly into that screen.
When I open the point of sale screen I get a warning ‘Till name ‘x’ could not be found in the list of tills for this location …..’
Check you have a list of till names in the Devices screen and you have spelt the till name correctly in the Machine settings (it is space sensitive).
I am getting a communication/networking error when I try and log in that says Proxy Authentication Required.
You will need to configure IBIS to communicate via your Proxy server. Check the Advanced install section for details.