The User setup screen under the System > Manage users menu is where you create and maintain logins and passwords, so your staff can log on to Ibis and access the functions they require to do their work. IBIS can support access to the application through a standard user name and password login or via Microsoft Single Sign On (SSO).


Set up a new user

  1. Open the Users setup screen under the System menu, then press Add. If you are running version 16, click the green plus button to add a new row to the Users screen then enter the following directly into the grid.
  2. Enter their full name, and public name (this shows on receipts and tickets), and logon name
  3. Enter a unique user code (1-3 characters - letters, numbers or combination) which will be noted against transactions and used in reports. The user code is usually the user's initials (unless that code is already taken)
  4.  Create a PIN code (1-5 numbers) for the new user - ensure it is unique.
  5. Enter a password, it will encrypt as soon as the screen is saved.
  6. Set the profile for this user, this controls what screens or modules they have access to view in IBIS Online.
  7. Press Save when complete

We are making changes to how screen permissions are managed in IBIS. While we transition to the new format, our support team will need to provide screen access when you set up new users. Please contact our helpdesk for assistance.

If you get a popup telling you there are duplicate logon names or user codes, you will need to start again. User names and codes must be unique (even if no longer active), to avoid historical record duplicates 

Change a user password

A user password should be set at the time of setting up a user, regardless of whether they will be logging on individually or using a generic profile. A password can contain between 5 and 20 characters of any combination of letters, numerals, spaces and symbols. Passwords are not case-sensitive. 

From time to time users may forget their passwords. Although you will not be able to view any existing staff passwords in the system, you can reset it so they can again have access. Supervisors usually have the security access to reset passwords. IBIS support cannot tell you what your passwords are if you forget, so please ask a supervisor to reset your password if needed.

  1. Open the Users setup screen under the System menu.
  2. Find the row for the user that has forgotten their password.
  3. In the Password field, update the existing password. Do not start the password with the $ symbol or it will not encrypt.
  4. Save your changes. 

Make a user inactive

A user must be active (ticked) for them to log on to Ibis. The active box can be unticked for users that you want to leave in the system but are not working at present, for example, seasonal staff.

You cannot delete a user who has made transactions in IBIS. This ensures that we can still report on them in historic sales/audit reports. 

Prompt for user PIN codes

If users are going to share computers, we recommend you record the specific user who processed a sale by enabling the generic user setting in the Users screen. This setting will prompt the user to enter their PIN code after every 30 seconds of inactivity.

User settings

The User Settings screen is found under the System menu. It is used to set a variety of settings for each specific User that logs on to the IBIS application.


Hide "Don't show..." on the Message popup

If you are using IBIS Messenger, you can hide the button to stop showing messages so new messages will always pop up automatically.

Maximise at startup

If true, IBIS will always launch in full-screen mode when the program starts.

Minimise the menu bar at startup

If true, the menu bar at the top of the application will be collapsed by default until you click a tab. 


Startup screen

Choose the default screen to open when the IBIS application starts.

Startup screen as the base form

Choose whether the start screen selected above is maximised at startup.

Use hotkeys

Uses the following function keys to open screens automatically (provided the user permissions allow access).

  •  F2 - Appointments
  •  F3 - POS
  •  F4 - Hire
  •  F5 - Check-in (or Flight check-in)
  •  F6 - Booking (or Scheduler booking)
  •  F7 - Day notes
  •  F8 - Resource planner
  •  F9 - Departures
  • F10 - Ticketing
  • F11 - Itinerary
  • F12 - Flight planner
Use booking plus formThis setting is not currently available.

Login with Single Sign On (SSO)

The traditional login method for the IBIS client and IBIS Online uses an application-specific username and password but it is possible to grant user access with a Microsoft 365 account via Single Sign-On (SSO) instead. 

Once Microsoft SSO is enabled, you will no longer be able to login to the application with a standard user name and password as only SSO will be supported. 

How to prepare for IBIS login via Microsoft SSO 

  1. Inform IBIS support:
    Email Ibis Support ([email protected]) to enable SSO logins and provide your Microsoft Entra ‘Tenant ID’ as follows: 
    1. Log into the Entra Admin Center portal: 
    2. Navigate to Identity > Overview or search for ‘Tenant properties’. 
    3. Alternatively, contact your IT supplier for the Tenant ID.

  2. Coordinate setup:
    1. Once provided with your Tenant ID, IBIS will prepare your setup for SSO logins. 
    2. Optionally, you can provide IBIS with a list of existing users to pre-migrate.
      If you are an existing IBIS customer with established users, you must contact IBIS Support ([email protected]) to plan a migration of existing users and their permission. 
    3. Approve app registration - an Azure AD Administrator within your organisation must approve the Desktop App Registration and Browser App Registration to prevent unauthorised applications from accessing Microsoft data. 
      • If you are migrating an existing system from standard username/password to SSO, this step must be done manually in your Azure management portal. 
      • If you are new to IBIS, the first time a user logs in will trigger an application authorisation request which can then be approved. This can be done prior to go live.
    4. All client apps will need to update their server connection after SSO is enabled.

  3. Define the default user within the IBIS application
    A user named “default” must be configured in the IBIS application with the lowest required privileges for first-time SSO logins, i.e. a front-line user.

Logging on to the application with SSO 

  1. Update the IBIS client ‘server connection’ details. 
    • Tick the checkbox Use Microsoft Identity to use SSO login. If the checkbox is selected before IBIS has prepared you for SSO login, the ‘Login’ button will throw an error. 

    • After IBIS sets up SSO, any login attempts without this checkbox enabled will also return an error.

  2. During an SSO login, you will be prompted to Pick an account

    • If you logged into your computer with your Microsoft account, this prompt screen will offer your logged-in account as the preferred option, otherwise, select use another account and supply user details.

When logged on with SSO, there is no option to be ‘remembered’ - you will be prompted to pick an account every time you login to the IBIS Application.

Your Microsoft account will remain logged in even after closing the Ibis client – this could be a security concern if PC is shared between different SSO users. 

Manage a generic user login with SSO

A generic user will need to have an Entra ID (Microsoft SSO account). For PIN-audited activities such as POS prompting, the staff member does not require an Entra ID as long as they exist in the user screen in the IBIS application with an assigned PIN.  

Sharing a computer between separate users 

When using Microsoft SSO each user is responsible for managing their logged-in session. Logging out of IBIS does not log the user out of their SSO session, meaning their account will remain available for selection the next time someone logs into IBIS. To fully log out of SSO, users can:

  1. Log in again.
  2. Click the three dots next to their name.
  3. Select Logout or Logout and Forget (to remove the account from the list).