The Check-in module allows you to capture registration and marketing information and digitally signed waivers directly from your customers for their activity or treatment. IBIS Check-in is fully integrated with the Reservations & Operations modules so the information captured from the customer is immediately available to your entire team. 


How check-in works

 Make your operations efficient and eco-friendly by going paperless. Here's how our digital check-in system benefits your business:

Online Check-In Experience:

Your customers can conveniently complete their details online before arriving at your location from their preferred device or use a tablet on-site.

Comprehensive Data Collection:

Gather valuable marketing information, ask essential health and safety questions, display your terms and conditions and secure liability waiver signatures.

Customized Check-In Website:

We provide you with a branded check-in website, so you can modify colours, fonts, images and icons. You have flexibility in design and functionality.

Individual Waiver Forms:

Each person in the booking can complete their individual waiver form with a digital signature. This allows for personalized follow-up emails and enables you to collect email addresses for each person on the trip, enhancing your communication.

Operational Manifest in IBIS Online:

In IBIS Online, you'll find an operational manifest that displays completed check-in details. This information is crucial for quickly checking medical conditions and operational notes for each person before they embark on their trip or treatment.

Operational Management with the Check-In Screen:

You can also use the Check-In screen within the application for seamless operational management of the booking.

  • Monitor the booking's progress and see customer details.
  • Receive alerts, such as notifications about customers entering medical conditions.
  • Allocate addons and enter customer weights, ensuring a smooth and organized experience.

Embrace digital check-in to enhance your operations and offer a streamlined, personalized experience to your customers.


If you're interested in adding this feature to your business, please reach out to our sales team for pricing details. Licensing costs cover all module updates and website maintenance. Additionally, there will be a one-time configuration fee to create and brand the website. 

Set up & customisation

We offer standard questions that can be displayed or hidden. You can also customize other questions within the application. Just like your E-Commerce website, you can change button colours and add a header image to the site.  See our Setup and Customisation article for details. 

Pre-arrival check-in

Customers can check in before they arrive for their trip. We can send the customer a pre-arrival link in their booking confirmation and/or reminder email that allows them to check-in before arriving onsite. 

When there is more than one person on the booking, you want to encourage the person who made the booking to forward the link to their friends so that everyone completes the waiver before arriving. This link can be placed within your Reminder emails and/or your confirmation emails. This should make it quicker on the day as most people should have already completed their details. 

Onsite check-in

For On-Site check-in, we recommend at least a couple of tablets with the check-in website loaded for customers to complete their waivers. Those who have completed Pre-Arrival will not need to complete it again. The customer will enter their booking ID or search for their booking name to find their booking and complete the waiver for each person in the booking. 

Single-page or multi-page

We have either a one-page form which is quick and easy operationally or a multi-page check-in with one question per page which is easier for the customer to fill in on a tablet. We can show you both options in practice and you can let us know which option you'd like.  If you are using Multi-page check-in, when the site detects that the customer is completing using a desktop, the single-page version will show. 


There are a few reports that you can use to see information that has been completed from Check-in. 

Report nameDescription
Check-in ListThis report can be accessed from under the Reports > Operations menu. This report works in conjunction with the Check-in / Flight Check-in screen in the IBIS application. These screens are used to assign price options to customers, such as photo & video add-ons, Adult and child options or spectators.

This will update as your staff allocates customers who have completed check-in in the Check-in / Flight Check-in screen.
Manifest & Check-in detailsThis report is accessed from IBIS Online under the Reports > Operations menu.
It combines the Manifest with the Check-in list so you can view customer information by pickup location. It will update as customers complete their Check-in forms online.
Check-in custom questions and answersThis can be accessed from IBIS Online under the Reports > Operations menu. It can be used to analyse the answers given to your custom questions.
Customer Check-in emailsList of email addresses and products. You might use this to import into a mail merge system such as Mailchimp. This is just the list of people who have ticked to allow promotional emails to be sent to them.

Tips and tricks for using online check-in on your device

Here are some handy tips to streamline the check-in process for your frontline team:

Favour the Welcome/Search Screen
Save the Welcome/Search screen as a favourite for quick access.

Avoid Faving the Log-In Page
Don't mark the log-in page as a favourite, as it would require you to log in every time you open it.

Keep Tablets Awake:
Configure your tablets to stay on for extended hours or the entire day to prevent the screen from sleeping. This way, you won't need to enter the tablet password repeatedly.

Search by Name or Booking ID
You can search by either customer name or booking ID, which will display today's bookings where the service is marked as "Check-in reqd" in the IBIS Application.

Opt for Landscape Layout and Screen Lock
Configure the tablet for a landscape layout and lock the screen. This ensures that the text is clear, making it easier for customers to answer questions.

Use Safari on iPad
If you're using Safari on an iPad, save the icon to the desktop for quick access to the Check-In website.

Customize Safari Settings
In Safari on an iPad, you can increase the size of app icons, disable tabs, and adjust page zoom to optimize the appearance of the page.

Tablet Lockdown Options
Consider locking down your tablets to prevent customers from altering settings or navigating to other pages. For iPads, you can restrict access to Control Centre within apps, disable Siri, and enable Guided Access for added control.