Process a sale

Completing a transaction with Point of Sale is quick and easy. 

  1. Select the items you wish to purchase by entering the PLU code, scanning the barcode or clicking the button. You can use the Find sale process to help if needed.
  2. Once all the items are added to the sale, select the appropriate payment method. 
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the payment. You can process more than one payment type against the transaction if needed by editing the cash tendered value or amount of payment.
  4. Once the sale balances to $0, the status of the transaction will change to posted.

Find items

When selling an item, if you don't know the PLU code or there is no barcode on the item, you can look it up using the Item Lookup button in the Point of Sale screen.

  1. From Point of sale, click the Item lookup button or use the ? keyboard shortcut to launch the screen.
  2. The Item lookup screen will open, type your search parameters, then click Enter to search.
  3. Select an item from the left-hand grid, to view the details on the right-hand panel.
  4. Click Add to sale to take the selected item through to the Point of Sale screen or Cancel to back out and return to the Point of Sale screen.

Edit the item price

If an item appears in the POS grid followed by two asterisks (**), it means the price type for the item is editable. To change the item price:

  1. Highlight the item you want to edit.
  2. In the POS input box in the top right, enter $ followed by the new price then press enter, or type $ then enter to trigger the price prompt popup.

If you need to adjust the value of refund, you can only do this by typing $ and adjusting the negative value in the enter price popup. You cannot adjust the value of an item from positive to negative.


Increase or decrease units in a sale

To increase the units in a sale, highlight the item you want to edit and click the + button to increase, - button to decrease or press * followed by the number of units and press ENTER to multiply. If you are using a touchscreen, ensure you have function buttons set up for increase units, decrease units, and set units.

Remove items from a sale

If you would like to remove a single item from a POS transaction, click on the item and select DELETE with your keyboard. If you are using a touchscreen, ensure you have a button enabled linked to the Delete line POS function. 

Clicking the ESC key on your keyboard will trigger the clear items prompt at any time. You cannot clear all items from a sale once a transaction is in Adding payments status (i.e. when a partial payment has been applied) - you must use the Void function or complete the transaction and use the Reverse sale function (required if you are using Integrated EFTPOS).

Apply a promotion or promo voucher

If you company are using promo vouchers, your team can redeem these at POS.

  1. Enter the item to be discounted into POS, e.g. a flat white
  2. Scan the voucher in the entry box in POS to apply the discount
  3. You’ll see a pop up with the discount that has been applied
  4. Either take the rest of the payment or if the balance is $0, click the Cash button to process the sale

  5. If a voucher has been redeemed already, you’ll get the following error message:

Apply/remove a discount

Any items that you want to be discountable, must be set up to allow discounts in the Retail items screen. There are 2 types of discounts that can be applied to a sale - a Sale discount applies to all items in the sale or a Line discount only applies to the selected item.

  1. Enter your retail items into the sale as usual.
  2. Select Discount from the POS system menu.
  3. Choose either Line Discount or Sale discount to display a list of available discounts as set up in the Discounts screen. 
  4. Select the applicable discount. Only one type of discount can be applied to a sale.
  5. Press OK, your discount should now be visible under the item.
  6. If you want to remove a discount, select the discount option again, then select Clear discount.

What if you are selling 2 or more of the same item but you only want to discount one item in the sale? You will need to disable the System Setting 'Combine Retail Rows', then key in the item into your POS screen twice to ensure it is separated on two lines, then apply a line discount.

Accept foreign currency as payment

You must have foreign currency payment types set up before you can use the foreign exchange payment type.

  1. Select the foreign exchange payment type from your POS menu.
  2. The Foreign exchange popup will appear displaying the amount of foreign currency required to cover the cost of the sale. Highlight the foreign currency row you wish to use.
  3. Enter the amount of foreign currency received in the amount tendered box.

    You cannot accept foreign coins (your bank will not accept them) so advise the customers that change will be given in local currency. You can round the forex required to the nearest dollar to advise the customer. E.g. if the amount of forex required is $22.08 USD, you can ask the customer to give you $23.00 USD as payment. 

  4. Press OK to process this amount (or Cancel to return to the POS screen).
  5. When processed you will receive a prompt to return any change in your local currency.

Process cash out only on EFTPOS

A cash-out on EFTPOS transactions is for customers who want to purchase cash using their EFTPOS card without requiring them to purchase any items in conjunction with this transaction.

You can only use the Cash Out on Eftpos function if you have enabled it in your System setting screen. You also need to set up a non-stock retail item called Cash-out on EFTPOS (or similar) with the price type set to fixed at $0.00. We recommend you add a button to your POS menu for this item. 

  1. Click on the Cash out only button you've created. 
  2. Select the EFTPOS payment type, then select Add Payment.
  3. In the Amount Cashout box, enter the amount of cash to payout. Leave everything else at zero and click OK.
  4. If the EFTPOS transaction is successful and accepted, click Yes. If the transaction has failed, click No to clear the screen.
  5. Once you have successfully completed this process the balance of the POS screen will be $0.00 and you can give the cash to the customer. Ensure the customer signs the receipt as confirmation they have received the cash.

No sale/open till drawer

If you need to open the till drawer, use the No sale function. IBIS will prompt you for a reason and print a no sale receipt. The purpose of this is to record any money taken from the float so you can account for it in your end of day cash up.

Reprint a receipt

You can reprint a receipt via the Find Sale function in the POS screen:

  1. Open the Point of Sale screen from the Point of Sale module.
  2. Click Find Sale from the main right-hand menu of the POS screen.
  3. Select the date from the Transaction List screen that pops up.
  4. Find and select the transaction in the list on the left-hand side to view the details on the right-hand side of the screen.
  5. To reprint the receipt, click the Print Receipt button.

Email/print A4 receipts

If your POS system is configured to prompt users for a receipt when a sale is complete, then users will automatically be asked if they want to email a receipt. If you are not using the prompt, follow the steps below to email a receipt for a transaction:

  1. Add the Email/Print receipt function button to your POS menu, as above
  2. With the chosen POS transaction loaded into your POS screen, click this new Email/Print Receipt button
  3. The Emailer screen will pop up showing your email templates on the left
  4. If the customer booked online or is associated with a Customer record such as a membership, their email will populate in the Send to box at the top. If not, you can manually enter their email address here
  5. When you've selected the correct template you can choose Send at the bottom right to send the email
  6. If you wish to print an A4 receipt only, just select your printer from the droplist and click Print.

Find a sale

If you know the sale ID, enter it directly into the POS screen, then click F (the keyboard shortcut typically assigned to the Find sales screen). If you need to look up the transaction, follow the steps below:

  1.  Click the Find Sale button from the POS screen.  
  2. The Find Sale screen will open showing all settled transactions by default for the current day. 
  3. Choose the day you want to search for the transaction on or use the tabs to filter for sales that are voided or held, online, or All sales.

We're changing behaviour... the default sort order for transactions will show newest at the top in the latest versions of IBIS.

Hold/retrieve a held sale

Holding a sale is useful in situations where you have rung up a sale for a customer who cannot make payment straight away (decided to keep shopping, forgot wallet, etc). Instead of holding up the check-out line, you can use the Hold Sale function in the Point of Sale screen menu options which will allow you to serve the next customer in line. Hold a Sale

  1. Add items to your POS transaction in the normal way.
  2. Select Hold Sale from the POS menu.
  3. Enter in the customer's name (or a reference to find the customer's sale again when they want to complete the transaction).
  4. The sale is now changed to hold status, you can begin a new transaction.

  5. To retrieve the held sale, select Find Sale from the Point of Sale menu. 
  6. The Find sale screen will open, click on 'Held (all dates) to show you all the sales that have been held. 
  7. Click the transaction ID link for the held sale you wish to complete (the held sale name appears under the transaction line so you can find it easily). 
  8. Complete the transaction as normal or void the sale.

Void a transaction

You can void a transaction before the sale is complete by clicking the Void button. If you have partially paid for a transaction, this is the only way to exit the sale should you not wish to complete it. 

Void transactions will appear in the Find Sale screen in the status Adding Items with the Void setting enabled. You cannot un-void a transaction once it has been voided - it will be ignored from any sales reports.

Return or exchange an item

If a customer would like to return or exchange an item, or you have sold an item incorrectly at Point of Sale, you can manage the process easily using the Item Return function.

  1. Click Item return on the POS screen.
  2. The background will turn blue and the POS status will change to Exchange mode.
  3. Add the POS item you wish to return, when prompted with 'Is this the item you wish to return?' choose Yes.
  4. When the item is added to POS, the units are set to -1 automatically (if you need to increase/decrease the units for a returned item, use the and - keys).
  5. If you are finished with the sale, process the refund to the preferred payment type.
  6. If you are exchanging the item, add the new item to the sale and say No to the item return prompt. The cost of the new item will be offset by the returned item working out any difference to refund or collect to the customer.
  7. Complete the sale as usual, the receipt will display Exchange / Return when printed.


Reverse a sale

If you want to return all the items in a transaction, you can save time by using the Reverse sale function. This function is also useful if you have used the wrong payment type on a transaction (e.g. cash) and you need to void/redo the transaction to process the payment through integrated Eftpos.

  1. Open the Point of Sale screen and click Reverse sale (Sale Return)
  2. Enter the original sale ID in the reverse sale popup and click OK (the sale ID is displayed on the sales receipt or you can lookup by date/time in the Find sale screen).
  3. The sale will appear in the POS transaction with all the original items ready to be returned.
  4. Process the payment as normal to complete the refund transaction.

If the sale you are reversing contains Bookings or Tickets, these will become outstanding again and the money will need to be reprocessed through POS (or the Bookings / Tickets must also be cancelled). 

Reverse Sale

Payment type exchange

If you are in a situation where the wrong payment type was used at Point of sale (E.g. Visa was selected instead of Mastercard), you can use the Payment Type Exchange function so your Z-off and POS Payments Report balance at the end of the day. It is recommended you perform a payment type exchange on the same till where the transaction took place. 

  1. Select Payment type exchange from the menu options grid in the Point of Sale screen to display the following screen:

  2. Enter the payment type used (such as Visa) and the transaction amount.
  3. Enter the payment type you need to change it to (such as Eftpos)
  4. Press OK.

    This will increase the Visa $100 back to the till and take out Eftpos $100, therefore, balancing your reports at the end of the day.

End of day cash-up

Cashing up your sales (i.e. Z-off) can be done at any time and as often as required, but is usually a function reserved for the end of the day's trading when you are ready to match your cash takings with the sales made in IBIS. The function of the Z-off gives you a start/endpoint to balance your float (cash provided at the start of trading). The Z-off function will close all transactions made between the time the last Z-off was run. 

To complete the end of day cash up process, follow these steps:

  1. Once all transactions have been completed for the day, open the X-off report from the Point of Sale screen (print if required).
  2. Count the money in your till subtracting the value of your opening balance or 'float'.
  3. Reconcile the remaining money with the cash payments total on the X-off Report.
  4. Repeat these steps for all other payment types.
  5. Once you have finished and there are no sales to correct or void, run the Z-off report.
  6. Include all your cash takings, EFTPOS receipts, and settlement cutover with the printed Z-off report and keep secure until this money is ready to be banked. 
If you are using our Reservations or Ticketing modules to sell activities, appointments or tickets, please check the Outstanding tab as part of your end of day process. 

IBIS supports two cashup methods. The method you will use depends on how your float is managed. You can specify your preferred cash-up method in the System Settings screen under the Point of Sale section. 

By till: if a float is allocated to a till and remains at the same till throughout the day regardless of which user is logged in, your cashup method is till. The cash-up is generally performed at the end of the day.

By user: if a float is allocated to a user who swaps IBIS computers throughout the day, your cash-up method should be set to user. Users will cash up when they complete their shift.