Scheduler customers will also be able to access the following Reservation reports:
- Appointment List Report for Check-in
- Reservation summary report
- Report on forward bookings
- Reservation option analysis
- Reservation lead time
- Promotions on reservations
- Cancellation reasons report
- Cancellation reasons by cancel date
Staff and resource utilisation reports
The Staff and Resource Utilisation report show you how many hours the staff or resource are available for vs the hours they've been booked (including the change over time).
The percentage value indicates how much the staff or resources have been utilised. You can toggle the report by Staff or Resource (room).
Staff allocation reports
The Scheduler Staff Allocation report shows you for how many hours you have rostered your staff on for Scheduler Appointments. It displays the staff name with the number of hours scheduled against each of the statuses. This report comes in handy to make sure you are rostering your staff on for their promised hours, and to check back to see how much sick leave, or training time they've had.
It also has an 'Active staff' column so you are able to check if staff who you have made inactive have any bookings still assigned to them.