SmartPay SmartConnect is an integrated product from Smartpay and is compatible with the Alipay and WeChat payment types.

This document is intended for reference and guidance only.  We strongly recommend that if there is any doubt as to whether an Eftpos transaction has been completed successfully you should consult your Eftpos manual, log in to your Eftpos software to view all recent transactions or contact your Eftpos provider to check. This document was written with a Pax S800 terminal with an in-built printer.


Setup SmartConnect

Once you have your hardware installed as per the provider's instructions you will need to pair IBIS and your terminal.

We are unable to assist in installing the Eftpos software itself, you will need to consult your Eftpos provider manual or the provider themselves if you require assistance.

This setting is stored at a computer level so will need to be done for each computer you are changing.

  1. Ensure your Eftpos terminal is not paired - if the terminal is paired already it will display a message with your system code and till name e.g. 'ibistest: till1'
  2. If your terminal is paired, you can unpair it as follows:
    1. Press the blue menu button and select 3. Config
    2. Enter your password - if you do not know your password you will need to contact your Eftpos provider
    3. Select 1. Pos Integrations, then select 2. Unpair POS
    4. You will receive a message saying either 'Terminal is not paired', or 'Success: Terminal is Unpaired'
  3. To pair your terminal:
    1. In IBIS Client:
      i. Add system function Pair Eftpos Terminal to your POS menu.
      ii. Locate your Machine Settings screen under the System Menu and locate the section titled EFTPOS
      iii. Select Eftpos provider SmartConnect, then save and close. You must log off and log back into IBIS after changing this setting.
    2. On the SmartConnect Eftpos terminal:
      i. Press the blue menu button and select 3. Config 
      ii. Enter your password - if you do not know your password you will need to contact your Eftpos provider.
      iii. Select 1. Pos Integrationsthen 1. Authorise POSYou will be presented with an 8-digit number on the Eftpos terminal.  Note down the 8-digit number.
    3. In IBIS Client:
      i. Open the POS screen and click the system function Pair Eftpos Terminal (set up in step 1 above)
      ii. In the resulting popup, enter the 8-digit number noted down in step 3d and click OK.
      iii. The number will disappear from the Eftpos terminal, and a message appears saying 'Pairing complete' followed by a popup in IBIS saying 'The terminal was paired successfully and you can now start using integrated Eftpos'
      iiii. The Eftpos terminal will now display your system name and till name (e.g. 'ibistest: till1')
  4. You will now need to log out of IBIS and back in again to initiate the connection to your Eftpos machine

Logging on to IBIS

Once you have completed the setup above each time you log into IBIS the connection with your Eftpos terminal will be established.  You should then be ready to use the Eftpos integration.

Processing a SmartConnect EFTPOS transaction

If you have previously been using Integrated Eftpos you should find that your payment types in Point of Sale are already set up to process integrated transactions. If not you can learn how to set up payment types and add buttons to Point of sale.  To process a transaction take the following steps:

  1. Once you have the sale on your POS screen click the Eftpos button
  2. You will notice the POS screen turn grey and the Eftpos payment screen will appear:

    Initiate eftpos Transaction

  3. While the Point of Sale screen in the background is grey you will be unable to click on any other buttons in Point of Sale until the Eftpos transaction completes.  This prevents any Point of Sale function from being accidentally activated during a sale
  4. The 'Amount payment' box should automatically fill in with the sale total
  5. If you use the automatic credit card surcharge functionality your surcharge will be calculated at this stage
  6. If you have the System Setting 'Cash Out on Eftpos' enabled you will be able to enter a cashout amount in this field (note that if that setting is disabled you won't be able to enter any cashout)
  7. If you need to make any amendments to the sale, click Cancel and you will be returned to the Point of Sale screen. Your sale will be saved in a status of Adding Items and you will be able to amend it as required
  8. If you don't need to amend, click on Process
  9. The total of the sale will be sent to your Eftpos machine to be processed
  10. At this point, you will be prompted to swipe the customer card, follow the instructions on the machine to process the sale
  11. Once processed successfully you will be returned to your Point of Sale
  12. You will see the transaction now balances at $0.00. There will be an Eftpos payment reference associated with the transaction highlighted in the image below:

    Successful Transaction

  13. You will also get your Eftpos receipts printed through your thermal printer if you have one set up:

    Transaction Receipt

    This receipt will give you various information regarding the transaction. You will see the total amounts, whether it was a payment or refund, the card type and most importantly the status of the transaction (ie accepted, declined etc).

Processing a SmartConnect refund

  1. Depending on whether you are refunding a booking (operator systems), a ticket (agent systems) or a retail item, ensure the correct item(s) are on the screen in front of you for the correct negative value
  2. Click your Eftpos payment type to initiate the transaction, this will launch the payment popup box in refund mode
  3. The text above your amount should read 'Amount refund' and the amount should be negative
  4. The refund surcharge should also be calculated for you, note that you can remove the surcharge if required by clicking on the box marked X adjacent to the surcharge
  5. You will also notice the Cashout facility is locked out for this type of transaction

    SmartLink Lite Refund

  6. If you need to make any amendments to the sale prior to returning payment click Cancel at this point and make the amendments then click on your Eftpos button in POS once again, otherwise click Process
  7. You will get a prompt on the terminal asking you to swipe your Merchant Card
  8. If you do not have a Merchant Card please contact either your supervisor or your Eftpos company, IBIS cannot supply you with a merchant card
  9. Once swiped you will get a prompt asking to enter the Merchant PIN
  10. If you do not know your Merchant PIN you must contact either your supervisor or your Eftpos company, IBIS cannot supply you with this PIN
  11. Once the PIN has been entered correctly you will be prompted to swipe the customer card - at this point follow the further instructions on the terminal
  12. When the transaction is complete you will be returned to POS, you should see your transaction balance to $0.00
  13. As with a purchase, you will now see an Eftpos reference number associated with that transaction

    Refund Successful

  14. You will then get an Eftpos receipt similar to the following printout

    Refund Receipt

    Note the receipt states that it was a Refund transaction, the amount of the refund and that the refund was accepted

Processing a purchase with a cashout transaction

  1. To process cashout on Eftpos you will need to ensure your system setting 'Allow cashout on Eftpos' is set to true prior to opening POS
  2. Ensure all the items for the sale are taken through to Point of Sale
  3. Start the integrated Eftpos transaction in the usual way
  4. You should see your transaction total in the Amount payment box
  5. Enter the amount of cash the customer requires in the Amount cashout field:

    Transaction with Cashout

  6. Click on Process, the total you should see on the Eftpos machine should equal the sum of the Amount payment and the Amount cashout ($20.00 in the above case)
  7. Continue with the transaction as prompted on the Eftpos terminal
  8. If successful you will be returned to Point of Sale which should now show the breakdown of the transaction including the Eftpos references

    Transaction with Cashout
    Note that in the above image Point of Sale has broken down the transaction into the following
    • The Eftpos purchase of $10.00
    • The Eftpos cash-out charge of $10.00
    • The amount of cash to return to the customer ($10.00)
  9. You will also get a receipt similar to the following:

    Receipt with cashout
    Note that the TOTAL in the above example is the total charged to the customer's card

Processing a cashout only transaction

If you regularly allow cashout only (i.e. if you allow customers to take cash out via your Eftpos machine without making a purchase) you can do so by following these steps:

  1. First of all, you must ensure that you have a non-stock retail item set up with a price of $0.00 in the system called 'Eftpos Cash out' or similar
  2. Begin the sale by adding your 'Eftpos Cash out' item to the sale
  3. Click on your Eftpos payment button to start the transaction
  4. Enter the amount of cash out the customer requires into the Amount cashout field (the Amount payment should be left blank)

    Cashout only

  5. Click process to send the amount to the Eftpos terminal
  6. Follow your usual procedure on the Eftpos machine to process the transaction
  7. Once the transaction is successful you will be returned to IBIS and the POS screen will look similar to the following

    Cashout Only Transaction

    Note that the screen shows the Eftpos transaction with the reference number and Cashout of $10, and a further line detailing the amount the customer is to receive
  8. You will also get a receipt printout similar to the following

    Cashout only receipt

What happens when a signature is required

Sometimes you may perform a transaction that requires a signature to validate. This can happen either with particular card types or alternatively, if the customer presses the Enter key rather than entering their PIN.  On these occasions, you will get a receipt printed prompting you for the customer's signature:

Accept with Sig

You should get the customer to sign the Merchant copy of this receipt and double-check it against their card. If the signature matches you should select Yes on your Eftpos terminal, at which point you will get a further receipt print out which you can give to the customer (the bottom of the receipt will state 'Customer Copy' rather than 'Merchant Copy'.

If the signature doesn't match, or you wish to void the transaction at this stage, select No on your Eftpos terminal. This will void the transaction, the following receipt will print out (both a Customer and Merchant Copy), and you will be returned to your POS screen at which point you can choose to process the transaction again, or cancel.

Signature Declined

What happens if a transaction is declined

If a transaction is declined depending on your terminal you may get alerted by a persistent beeping. The SmartLink user guide state that the merchant is required to press ENTER on the Eftpos machine to print a receipt and complete the transaction.  At this point, the screen should display 'Declined'.  Upon return to IBIS your Eftpos transaction popup will now display the text 'The card was declined by the Eftpos provider':

Declined Transaction

This screen will remain on your Point of Sale until you either click Process to retry (if the customer produces another card for example), or Cancel to cancel. You will get the following receipt via your POS printer to indicate it was declined:


If the countdown within the IBIS prompt reaches 0 and the Reset button activates, this should not be clicked. Simply acknowledging the declined transaction on the Eftpos machine by pressing ENTER will return the transaction to IBIS and allow you to continue. If you do inadvertently click the Reset button you will still be able to link the transaction by clicking ENTER on the Eftpos terminal.

What happens when the connection fails

Once in a while, you may find yourself in a situation where the transaction doesn't make it back to IBIS immediately due to a power or internet failure.  In these instances, Point of Sale should recover the Eftpos transaction for you. There are many different things that could potentially cause this.  The following examples are a guideline on how to deal with a few of those scenarios:

  1. You have started a sale and swiped the customer's card to charge
  2. The customer's card has been swiped, then something happens to break the connection
  3. The terminal says 'accepted' but nothing comes back to IBIS
  4. When the countdown timer on the payment box reaches zero, you should click Reset

    Reset button

  5. Once you click Reset you will be presented with a further error message letting you know that there is a transaction in progress and do you want to reset - you can click Yes to this

    Reset Transaction

  6. This will produce the following dialogue box telling you that the Point of Sale cannot communicate with the Eftpos machine and will begin a further countdown.  While this countdown is happening IBIS will continually attempt to retrieve the transaction

    Incomplete Transaction

  7. At this point, you should check your Eftpos machine and the connection to make sure it's still connected. If it is connected but the terminal is not responding to commands you may need to contact your Eftpos provider to check
  8. If the Eftpos machine comes back online in the meantime you will receive the following popup:

    Recovered transaction

  9. At this stage you can click Continue, you should then be returned to your Point of Sale screen
  10. If the countdown timer in Step 6 reaches 0, the 'Try Again' button will show as active.  Click this to try again and the timer will reset
  11. If the timer reaches 0 again and your Eftpos machine still hasn't come online, you will be offered the option of forcing the transaction to Fail

  12. If you select Fail you must be sure you know the outcome of the transaction.  This may mean contacting your Eftpos provider or bank.  If IBIS cannot retrieve the transaction details we will not be able to tell you if it was successful or not.
If the transaction was declined prior to the Eftpos machine going offline, the process you will go through is similar to the above except you will receive a message detailing that the transaction was declined.


To accept AliPay payments you will need to set up a payment type called AliPay and then add the AliPay button to your Point of Sale screen. The payment type behaviour must be set as EftposQRDisplay. To process an Alipay transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by adding your bookings/tickets/items to Point of Sale as normal
  2. Locate and click the Alipay button in your POS Payment Menu to start the sale
  3. Click Process to send the amount to the Eftpos machine
  4. At this stage IBIS will send a QR Code to the Eftpos Terminal:

    QR Code

  5. Your Customer should be logged into their Alipay account and ready to go, present the Eftpos terminal to them to allow them to scan the QR code
  6. Once they have scanned their QR Code, the Eftpos terminal will display a message similar to 'Processing QR Code Now'
  7. On their phone/within the Alipay app they will be presented with the following screen to Confirm Payment:

    Confirm Payment
  8. They will then press the blue button (Confirm Payment), this will take them to the following screen showing the local currency as well as the total in their home currency:

    Alipay Pay Now

  9. They then select Pay now and enter their password, and are finally presented with the following screen:

    Payment Succeeded

  10. At this stage, you will get a Merchant and Customer copy of the receipt print similar to the following:

    Transaction Successful Receipt

Eftpos functions in Point of Sale

There are a few functions you can perform on your Eftpos machine via your Point of Sale:

Eftpos Settlement Enquiry:

This function can be used at the end of the day for reconciliation.  Once you select this function you will be prompted to enter a date you wish to run this enquiry for.  In most cases, you should be able to run for today's date by pressing the enter key without entering a date.  This will print out a receipt with a breakdown of the day's payments which you can use to reconcile against your IBIS X -Off report.

Eftpos Cutover:

The Eftpos cutover can normally only be done once per day and should be used at the end of the day once you have reconciled all your payments in IBIS and are happy they are all accounted for.  Selecting the cutover should normally be done in conjunction with the IBIS Z - Off report.

Reprint Last Receipt:

Selecting this function will simply reprint the Eftpos receipt for the last sale taken.

Troubleshooting and FAQ's

How do I know which integrated Eftpos solution I am using?

As soon as you initiate the transaction you will see the Eftpos popup appear. Along the top of this popup box is the Eftpos system you are connected to:

Eftpos system in use

If your Eftpos is not connected or integrated you will see the following:

External Eftpos

If you see the screen with 'External' you will need to check a few things:

  • Your Eftpos machine has power
  • Your Eftpos machine is active, connected and in a ready state (note that any issues with the Eftpos machine itself will need to be directed to the hardware supplier, IBIS is not able to assist in these circumstances)
  • Your Machine Settings are set to the correct integrated Eftpos settings (see the section at the top of this page for more info)

If all the above are OK and you still have connection problems, try logging out and back into IBIS once your Machine Settings are correct.

I'm trying to submit a transaction to the Eftpos machine but IBIS is not allowing me to, and I am getting the following message: The transaction failed. The register is not paired to a device, please pair it first.
IBIS and your Eftpos terminal are not or are no longer paired. You will need to follow the setup instructions at the start of this article

I made an integrated Eftpos transaction, but nothing happened to IBIS

The most common cause of this is the POS transaction not balancing fully.  The first thing to do is check your Point of Sale to see if the Eftpos transaction has connected to the sale. If your Point of Sale screen is still open you can perform a visual check immediately, otherwise, you may need to use the Find Old Sale screen to locate your sale and bring it to POS again. 

When you have your Point of Sale screen open in front of you, attempt to locate the Eftpos transaction reference number. It will appear similar to the below, and the transaction will be balanced to $0.00:

Find Old Sale Transaction

If this is the case you may have a rounding or balancing error in your Point of Sale screen.  Firstly check that the balance of the transaction is $0.00. If the balance is not $0.00 it could mean there are further payments to be taken. Depending on the situation there are a few scenarios you could follow here:

1. You are an Agent intentionally only taking part payment against a ticket which is resulting in an unbalanced sale.

Action required: You will need to amend the overall value of the sale so it balances at $0.00.

You have booked a skydive ticket for two people at a total cost of $700 and taken this to Point of Sale
Only one person is paying now, the other will be coming in later and paying their share
You put through a payment of $350 for the first person
The Eftpos transaction registers against the transaction in Point of Sale and leaves a total balance outstanding of $350
The first $350 has not yet been registered against the ticket

To get around this you will need to change the overall price of the ticket in Point of Sale to $350.
You can do this by ensuring the line you wish to edit in POS is highlighted and has ** next to the item name (indicates the price is editable).
Ensure the cursor is flashing in the white box in the upper left corner of the POS screen (bordered by an orange line in the picture above)
Enter an amount to match the payment already taken (in this example $350) and hit enter.
This will change the overall ticket price to $350 IN POS ONLY - the ticket will retain the total value of $700.
Ensure now the Point of Sale shows a total of $0.00 outstanding
Process a $0 cash transaction to complete the sale. You should then be reverted back to your ticket which shows an amount of $350 still outstanding

2. You are an Operator intentionally only taking part payment against a booking which is resulting in an unbalanced sale.

Action required: You will need to amend the overall value of the sale so it balances at $0.00

You have booked a jetboat ride for two people at a total cost of $258 and taken this to Point of Sale
Only one person is paying now, the other will be coming in later and paying their share
You put through a payment of $129 for the first person
The Eftpos transaction registers against the transaction in Point of Sale and leaves a total balance outstanding of $129
The first $129 has not yet been registered against the booking

To get around this you will need to change the overall price of the ticket in Point of Sale to $129.
You can do this by ensuring the line you wish to edit in POS is highlighted and has ** next to the item name (indicates the price is editable).
Ensure the cursor is flashing in the white box in the upper left corner of the POS screen (bordered by an orange line in the picture above)
Enter an amount to match the payment already taken (in this example $129) and hit enter.
This will change the overall ticket price to $129 IN POS ONLY - the ticket will retain the total value of $258.
Ensure now the Point of Sale shows a total of $0.00 outstanding
Process a $0 cash transaction to complete the sale.  You should then be reverted back to your ticket which shows an amount of $129 still outstanding

3. You have processed all payments, however, your POS screen still says there is an out
Action required: You will need to process $0.00 cash to complete the transaction

If you are still unsure as to whether the payment has gone through successfully or not please consult your Eftpos software or provider in the first instance who should be able to tell you if the transaction was successful or not.

To preserve the integrity of integrated Eftpos transactions, once a transaction has been completed it cannot be voided.  If you have put through an integrated transaction in error you will need to complete the POS transaction using one of the methods detailed above, and then take appropriate action from that point (i.e. refund the customer, process the correct amount etc.)

I'm getting too many Eftpos receipts printing after a sale

Check the Global/System settings and ensure 'Duplicate Eftpos receipt' is unticked/set to false

I'm not getting enough Eftpos receipts printing after a sale

Check the Global/System setting and ensure 'Duplicate Eftpos receipt' is ticked/set to true

I don't have any of the Eftpos functions on my Point of Sale

Check out this article on how to add buttons

My Eftpos button doesn't send the amount down to the Eftpos machine - it just produces a popup asking for the payment amount

Open up your payment types screen and ensure that the payment type of Eftpos has the behaviour of Eftpos.  It's the Eftpos behaviour that tells the Point of Sale screen to send the details to the Eftpos machine connected

I had a transaction fail to come back to IBIS. I waited for the 60-second countdown to finish and then I clicked on Try Again to recover however nothing happened and I can't exit the screen.

It may be that your EFTPOS terminal has lost connection. Try to reset the EFTPOS machine by unplugging it from the wall, removing the network cable, and then plugging it back in again. Once the status on the Eftpos terminal changes from Connecting to Ready, you should be able to recover the transaction by clicking 'Try Again'. If this doesn't clear your issue please get in touch with our helpdesk.

All my Eftpos transactions are registered in Point of Sale as Eftpos, but I am sure there are Visa, MasterCard, Amex and other card types used.

The integrated Eftpos system relies on being able to match the payment type used with a payment type in your system. If all of your transactions are showing in Point of Sale as Eftpos you may need to set up payment types for each of the credit card types. You don't need to add them as buttons. You can find more details on how to add payment types here. They need to be set up with a behaviour type of Eftpos. Once they are set up to match correctly, they will report correctly however you cannot change this retrospectively. Note that if you already have some manual credit card payment types set up and in use, you will need to add further options to the menu.

I put an integrated Eftpos transaction through and it's registered against my sale, however, I made a mistake with the sale and now I can't void it
Once an integrated Eftpos transaction is allocated to a transaction on your POS you will not be able to void this sale.  This is a security feature to ensure the transactional referencing is preserved - if the sale was voided the Eftpos reference would be completely lost.  There are a few ways of dealing with this depending on the situation. Choose the one that best suits your situation from the below, and if none of the scenarios match your situation please get in touch with our helpdesk

  • Option 1: Reduce the amount of the sale to the current amount already processed so the sale balances to $0 then process a $0 cash transaction against the sale to complete it. This can be done in the following ways:
    • If there is a ticket or booking involved in the transaction you will see the item in POS is followed by **.  Reduce the price of this ticket to make the overall sale balance to $0 by typing the new value in the box at the top left of the POS screen.

      For example:
      The sale consists of a $700 ticket and $58 retail. A $250 transaction has been processed against integrated Eftpos leaving $508 outstanding.

      Highlight the ticket, then type $192 in the box in the top left corner and hit enter. This changes the ticket to $192, plus the $58 retail = $250. Now the overall outstanding balance is equal to $0. Process $0 cash to complete the transaction and return to Ticketing. Note that you will need to reverse/refund the sale

      If you have the setting 'Allow add in pay made' you may be able to reduce the retail items in the sale to make the overall sale balance $0, you would then need to process a $0 cash transaction as above. For example:
      The sale consists of 2 Retail Items for $40 total
      $20 integrated Eftpos transaction is processed against the sale
      The customer only wants 1 of the sold item
      Using the - key reduce the number of retail items to 1 and process $0 against the sale

  • Option 2: Process the remainder of the transaction as cash to complete the sale, then cancel the ticket/return the retail items and split the refund amount so the correct amount is returned to the customer on their card and the remainder is processed as cash