If you use our E-Commerce or Check-in modules, your customers can opt-in to receive email correspondence from your marketing teams. This article covers how to set up your privacy policy, where customers can opt-in to receive your emails and how to export a list of subscribers from IBIS.
Set up your privacy policy
Your privacy policy appears as a clickable link on the IBIS E-Commerce or Check-in websites. Your customers can tick a box to opt-in to receive marketing communication sent by you. Your privacy policy is a statement or a legal document that discloses some or all of the ways your company gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data. It fulfils a legal requirement to protect a customer or client's privacy.
To set up your privacy policy:
- Open the Online Display Settings screen under the System > E-Commerce setup menu. This will launch the HTML settings editor in IBIS Online.
- Select the E-Commerce Setup - Email communication policy setting to edit from the drop list.
- In the Design tab, enter your privacy policy wording directly in the box OR a fully formed URL to direct customers to a page on your website (e.g. https://mywebsite.co.nz/privacypolicy).
- Save your changes when complete.
Export your subscriber list
For customers who have opted-in to receive communication from you, you can export a list of names and email addresses from IBIS to import into Mailchimp or some other campaign management tool. You can do this using either the Online sales report (i.e. to get a list of customers who have signed up each day) or using the Reservation summary report (if you want to pull an audience from a list of products, or some other date-based parameter).
- Open either the Reservation summary or Online sales report.
- Select your date range by clicking the calendar icon, then click Refresh.
- You will need to add the Email me (Online sales) or Subscribed (Reservation Summary) column to the report. These columns are hidden by default, so right-click the column header and select column chooser to view hidden fields.
- Drag the column into the report, then click the filter icon and select Yes
- You should now only see a list of customers who have opted in. Select Export and choose one of the Excel file types (.xlxs or .xls)
- We recommend you save this report view so it's easy to find next time!
Customer check-in emails
You can export a list of email addresses and who has signed up to receive promotional emails via IBIS Online Check-in using the Customer email list report. View the Email status field to confirm who has opted in.