Welcome to the IBIS E-Commerce platform, your gateway to a seamless online shopping experience. We've tailored our platform to provide your customers with a user-friendly interface that adapts to any device. Here's how you can enhance your customer's journey: 


Before you begin

Your E-Commerce site requires the following:

  1. A sub domain e.g. if your website is www.ibis.co.nz then a sub domain would be setup as book.ibis.co.nz.
  2. A secure certificate for the sub domain.  We can assist with purchasing the secure certificate.  Please contact [email protected] for more details.

Integration options

We offer a variety of integration options to suit your unique needs: 

  • Standalone site: our standard website platform that can be formatted to match your branding.
  • Iframe: Keep customers on your site while they shop with an embedded IBIS interface.
  • Custom website: Full control over your site's design.
  • IBIS widgets: Effortlessly embed widgets into your site for an enhanced shopping experience.
  1. Standalone site

    A standalone E-Commerce website allows your customers to navigate through your product pages with its own menu structure. You can customise your standalone website with a background graphic and your logo to retain the look and feel of your existing website. You can connect your own website to your IBIS standalone website using customisable "book now" links or by embedding IBIS widgets within your own website to link to your IBIS standalone pages.

    Additional configuration options (fees apply):
    • Enhanced branding using custom stylesheet and JavaScript files – e.g. change fonts, colours, link names, etc.

  2. Iframe

    Displaying your IBIS E-Commerce website in an iframe is another way for your organisation to stay true to your brand and to keep your customers on your website whilst they're shopping. You can configure a single iframe on your website or narrow down the selection results to display specific products on several iframes across your pages. Our iframe design can be seen here. You can also use IBIS widgets in conjunction with iframes to give your website a custom look without the cost.

    Additional configuration options for iframe:
    • Enhanced branding using custom stylesheet and JavaScript files – e.g. change fonts, colours, link names, etc.
    • We recommend you embed the shopping cart widget into your pages so customers can easily jump to payment as they navigate your site.

  3. Custom website

    You can have full control over the booking and retail shopping process is experienced on your E-Commerce website. We will provide guidelines for best practices for your web development team and we can be involved to varying extents in the design of the transactional pages for your website. Please note that a custom website generally requires several months of lead-in time.

  4. IBIS widgets

    Widgets can be embedded into your own website and link directly to the IBIS pages. These are great tools for offering your customer different ways to select products, instead of displaying the default departure list. We have various widgets available, check out our article about embedding IBIS widgets into your site to learn more.

Selling your products online

Explore the diverse product categories you can sell with IBIS E-Commerce:  

Customise captions and page elements

Customisation is key to creating a unique shopping experience. You can modify captions and page elements across your IBIS E-Commerce site, ensuring it will suit your requirements perfectly.

If you have multiple E-Commerce websites linked to your IBIS system, changes made here will impact all sites. If you need to customise captions uniquely per website, please contact us.

Customise website title 

You can determine the title of your website which appears on the browser tab when the page is opened.

Customise homepage captions and descriptions

The IBIS E-Commerce website comes with its own homepage and menu structure. The tiles that display on the homepage and in the menu depend on the modules you are using in IBIS. An IBIS technician will enable the modules when you are ready to start selling on IBIS E-Commerce.

You can modify the descriptions and captions via IBIS Online | Setup | Settings | System settings screen, under E-Commerce captions | Menu captions section.

Home pageDescription
Change captions and descriptionsReplace the caption after the = and | symbols. E.g. Appointments=Spa bookings|Enjoy some R&R at our day spa.
Reset defaultsTo reset a caption to its default, enter --Reset, then click save and reload.

Customise activity selection page captions and page elements

You can modify the activity page captions and elements via IBIS Online | Setup Settings System settings screen, under E-Commerce captions > Captions for /Activity/Selection.

Activity selection pageDescription

Product droplist caption

Replace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. product=Please select

Hide product droplistTo remove the droplist, enter hidden after the = symbol. E.g. product=hidden

Hide upselling points box

To remove the USPs, enter hidden after the = symbol. E.g. USPs=hidden

Customise 'no departures available on' date text.

Replace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. empty-day=Please call to confirm availability for (date will always appear at the end by default)

Modify departure list column captions

Replace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. 





Reset defaultsTo reset a caption to its default, enter --Reset, then click save and reload.


Customise activity details page

Once your customers select their activity departure time, they will arrive at the details page where they can select their price options. You can customise the details via IBIS Online | Setup | Settings | System settings screen, under the E-Commerce captions > Captions for /Activity/AddEdit section.

Activity details pageDescription
Change pickup captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. pickup=Meet at
Change dropoff captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. Dropoff=Return to or hidden to not show (alternatively, keep all dropoffs set to internal only)
Change the note field placeholder textReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. note=Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements
Hide the note fieldTo remove the note field, enter hidden after the = symbol. E.g. note=hidden
Hide product-specific descriptionTo remove the online product description USPs, enter hidden after the = symbol. E.g. USPs=hidden
Change option selection column header captionsReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g.
column-total=Total NZD
Purchase as gift voucher titleReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. gift-voucher-title=Not sure of the date?
Purchase as gift voucher descriptionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. gift-voucher-description=Select options above and purchase these as a Gift voucher to book in at a later date
Reset defaultsTo reset a caption to its default, enter --Reset, then click save and reload.



Retail item page captions

You can customise the details via IBIS Online | Setup | Settings | System settings screen, under the E-Commerce captions >Captions for /Retail/Add.

Retail add pageDescription
Item sold out message captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. SoldOutMsg=Sold out. Check back soon.
Size/colour (not available)Replace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. SizeColour=
Units caption dropdownReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. Units=Quantity
Add to cart button captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. AddToCart=Buy item
Item detail captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. Details=About
Reset defaultsTo reset a caption to its default, enter --Reset, then click save and reload.



Gift voucher items page captions

You can customise the details via IBIS Online | Setup | Settings | System settings screen, under the E-Commerce captions >Captions for Gift voucher/Add.

Gift voucher add pageDescription
Change voucher to captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. VoucherTo=For
Change voucher from captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. VoucherFrom=From
Change voucher message captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. VoucherMessage=Message
Change add to cart button captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. AddToCart=Buy
Change sample-only message textReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. SampleOnlyMsg=Sample voucher
Reset defaultsTo reset a caption to its default, enter --Reset, then click save and reload.


Customise cart page captions

You can customise the details via IBIS Online | Setup | Settings | System settings screen, under the E-Commerce captions >Captions for Cart/Index.

Cart pageDescription
Change the main cart page captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. caption=Your shopping cart
Change the main cart page caption for mobile devicesReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. caption-mobile=Cart
Change the column captionsReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g.
column-total=Total price
Change the item group captions Replace the caption after the = symbol. E.g.
section-entryTicket=Admission items
section-retail=Retail items

section-retail=Retail items

section-giftVoucher=Gift cards
section-giftVoucherRedemption=Redeemed gift card
Change the promo/voucher code field captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. promoOrGiftVoucher=Apply promotion or gift card code
Change the continue shopping button captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. continueShopping=Add another booking
Change the reset cart button captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. resetCart=Empty cart
Change the cart empty captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. cartEmpty=You don't have any items in your cart.
Change the fine print under the Proceed to checkout captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. summaryFooter=All prices are in New Zealand dollars inc GST. Credit card payments incur a 2% processing fee
Reset defaultsTo reset a caption to its default, enter --Reset, then click save and reload.

Customise the customer details page

You can customise the details via IBIS Online | Setup | Settings | System settings screen, under E-Commerce captions >Captions for/checkout/PayForCart.

Your details pageDescription
Change the main headingReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. Caption=Customer details
Change first name captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. FirstName=First name
Change last name captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. LastName=Last name
Change the phone captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. Phone=Mobile number
Change marketing region captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. MarketingRegion=Where do you live?
Change marketing source captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. MarketingSource=How did you hear about us?
Change the booking note captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. BookingNote=
Change delivery notes caption and placeholderReplace the caption after the = | symbols. E.g. DeliveryNote=Note for the courier|Please specify where you’d like the package dropped off.
Change the privacy policy captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. EmailMe=I would like to receive promotional emails
Change the Terms and Conditions caption *Replace the caption after the = symbol. E.g.  TermsAndConditions=I agree to the Risk Disclosure and Terms & Conditions
Change check out button captionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. 
Hide the payment types sectionReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. PayMethod=hidden
Change the caption for accepted payment typesReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. PayMethod=Accepted payment types:
Display the logos of the payment types you acceptReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. paymethods-css=visa mastercard amex jcb diners unionpay alipay wechatpay account2account googlepay applepay klarna farmlands
Change the fine print at the bottom of the cart summaryReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. summaryFooter=All prices are in New Zealand dollars incl GST. Credit card payments incur a 2% processing fee.
Reset defaultsTo reset a caption to its default, enter --Reset, then click save and reload.

 * Not all ecommerce IBIS sites are on the version which provide this functionality.  Please contact IBIS if you are unsure if your ecommerce site has this functionality. 

Customise the receipt page

You can customise the details via IBIS Online | Setup | Settings | System settings screen, under the E-Commerce captions >Captions for Receipt/Index.

Your details pageDescription
Change the main headingReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. pageTitle=Thank you from our team
Change the subheadingReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. pageSubTitle=Keep an eye out on your inbox, we'll be emailing your confirmation soon!
Change the column captions

Replace the caption after the = symbol. E.g.
column-total=Total price

Change the booking number format for reservationsReplace the caption after the = symbol. E.g. BookNumFormat=Booking {0}

Continue shopping button URL

Once customers add products to the shopping cart, they can click Checkout to carry on with payment or you can easily configure a "Continue Shopping" button to let customers seamlessly return to your website to add more items to their cart. The URL for the continue shopping button can be configured in your System settings in IBIS Online.

Terms and conditions

Ensure a transparent shopping experience by setting up your terms and conditions. You can configure these to display as a clickable link or redirect to your website's dedicated terms page in the System Settings - HTML screen, under Setup | Online Sales.   Once opened, select the E-Commerce Setup - Disclaimer section to edit.

Privacy policy

The privacy policy is where your customers can opt-in to receive marketing communication from youYour privacy policy information can be displayed on the E-Commerce site either in a collapsible box or redirected to a page on your website. You configure your own privacy policy in the Online display settings screen. Once opened, select the E-Commerce Setup - Email communication policy section to edit. Learn more on how to set up your privacy policy and manage your subscribers.

Secure payment options

The IBIS E-commerce platform offers the choice of two integrated payment gateway options for credit card payments – Stripe or Windcave. Both options are embedded in the IBIS webpage for seamless transaction processing. Payments will be deposited directly into your bank account. Check out this article for a comparison of the two providers.

You have a choice of how you manage payments for your products:

  • Full payment upfront
  • Deposit (reservations only)
  • Deferred payment (pre-authorisation done on the card so you can charge the card via POS system later) 
  • Afterpay (requires an Afterpay account)
If you are keen to offset the cost of online transaction fees, you can charge a 'booking fee' for your reservation product sales. Alternatively Windcave can offer a payment surcharge function for online transactions.

Google Analytics 

Harness the power of Google Analytics with our seamless integration via Google Tag Manager. Configure and deploy your tag configurations effortlessly to gather valuable data. 

The biggest benefit to using Google Tag Manager is that it makes it easier for marketers to implement tags without having to rely on IBIS developers to do it for them - this could include Facebook pixels or other 3rd party products. Learn more about how to configure Google Tag Manager. Please send us your GTM code for us to connect.

Receipts and confirmation emails

After purchases are completed, your customers will arrive at the Thank You page. A tax receipt containing PDF attachments for any items the customer has purchased such as admission tickets, gift vouchers, or event tickets is emailed automatically. 

Receipt email templates can be customised per brand. Brands can be associated with a contact in your IBIS system, and the brand can also be associated with your E-Commerce website. This allows you to also report on sales per brand in your Online sales report. 

If a reservation (activity, transport, appointment, or hire) product was purchased, the customer will also receive an additional confirmation email containing details of their booking. Email templates can be customised for each product if desired.

How do I get started?

If you want to get started using the IBIS E-Commerce platform, contact our team today by reaching out to [email protected]