Flight planner

Check-in passengers for a flight
The Flight check-in screen allows you to prepare customers for flight manifesting. We recommend the screen is used in conjunction with Online Check-in, wher...
Tue, 27 Sep, 2022 at 11:14 AM
Planning a flight
The Flight planner screen is used to set up your staff roster, schedule flights, allocate customers and staff to the aircraft and manage the flight status a...
Sat, 26 Mar, 2022 at 2:35 PM
Flight planner manifests
Custom reports have been designed for our Flight planner module which can be used by ground and flight crew. This article explains how to use these reports....
Thu, 10 Feb, 2022 at 7:59 AM
Flight planner payroll reports
The Flight planner module includes 2 reports to assist with staff payroll. Learn how to interpret these reports. TABLE OF CONTENTS Flight staff summ...
Thu, 10 Feb, 2022 at 8:04 AM
Aviation setup
This article covers how to set up an aircraft, seating and managing the settings used in the Flight planner screen. TABLE OF CONTENTS How to set up an...
Sun, 27 Mar, 2022 at 6:43 AM